Tomorrow marks the two year anniversary of when I started Fighting Fatigue. Originally, I started this blog on Typepad and then last May moved the site to my own domain. It has been a great two years and I never thought that I would still be going strong, posting daily with this blog!
Let’s hope and pray for two more years and lots of exciting new research and helpful treatments to come available for CFS, Fibromyalgia and Interstitial Cystitis.
I appreciate all of you readers more than you will ever know! Thanks for helping to make this site possible! To honor all of you, my readers, and the Fighting Fatigue 2-year anniversary, I thought it would be fun to have a contest! For this contest, I will be giving away the book, “If You Would Just Get Out of Bed – My Life With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome“ by Stephanie Kelley.
Contest Rules:
The contest will run from today, 2/18, through Friday, 2/22.
Readers can earn chances to win this book several ways. You can do just one of these ideas, or you can do them all and earn more chances. I will enter all chances in a hat and I will have my husband draw a name out on Friday evening when he gets home from work.
One Chance:
1. If you have a blog or website, add Fighting Fatigue to your blogroll. Then come back to this post, leave me a comment that you did so.
2.Leave me a QUALITY comment on this post or on any other post on the site. I will not count one or two-word comments as legitimate comments.
3.For each blogroll you add me to and for each comment you leave, you get a chance.
Two Chances:
You can earn two chances by creating a post on your own blog or website about this contest and linking back to this post. Please leave me a comment on this post once you did so. If you have more than one blog or site that you post this contest on, you will receive two chances for each one.
Please make sure when you post your comment, you include a valid email address. Your email address is not visible on the website- only I have access to that. I will need a valid email address to contact the winner.
Good luck and I hope you enjoy the contest!
If you have any questions, please let me know!
Donimo says
I haven’t gotten it together yet to add a blogroll to my Chronic Holiday site, but I will soon. When I get a chance (ie. a bit more energy) to do some reading, I will definitely check out your site and look to adding you to my blogroll. Thanks for dropping by my site, but hey, you didn’t vote in my poll. Isn’t that the first step to an add to a blogroll? 😉
Sandy Robinson says
Hi Domino! I’ll go back and do that! Sorry! 🙂