Grinne McCarry : ME has stolen my sons life, but theres no help
ME sufferer David Christie (15) has to spend 19 hours a day in bed. His mum, Antoinette, talks to Grinne McCarry. As a young boy, David was involved in everything. He was a scout and he loved trampolining and horse riding. He would have played any sport and he was an Irish national champion in ju-jitzu in 2002. He was no different from any other wee boy. He was always outdoors and he never gave me any trouble.
Is Fibromyalgia Syndrome Curable?
This seems to be a burning question for millions of Americans who are affected by this chronic disease. Before you learn the answer to that question, you need to understand what this disease is all about.
Fibromyalgia treatment that works
If you know that you have fibromyalgia, it’s important to find the right fibromyalgia treatment options for you. Here are some treatment options that you should discuss with your doctor in order to improve your health.
The Best Fibromyalgia Medication
To date, there is no identified cause or cure for fibromyalgia. This syndrome consists of a cluster of symptoms including moderate to intense pain in trigger points on the body, sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, depression,lowered immune system, inability to concentrate, anxiety, and peripheral neuropathy a condition that causes burning ,aching and twitches in the hands and feet.
Behavioral therapy can reverse chronic fatigue syndrome and increase prefrontal volume
Another example of a therapy that induces brain plasticity, this work from de Lange et al. , carried out with women, since chronic fatigue syndrome predominantly affects women. Here is a clip describing the therapy, followed by the abstract of the paper.
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