The University of West England is conducting an online study for Fibromyalgia patients who experience fibrofog, or cognitive difficulties. The purpose of the study is to determine the level and severity of cognitive difficulties in FM patients and to find out how these patients cope with the cognitive difficulties.
Participants involved in the study will remain anonymous and will be required to complete the study questions required, which will take approximately 15 minutes.
Requirements to participate in the study are:
- A diagnosis of FM
- Age 18 years or older
- Cognitive difficulties
- Computer access
- Ability to log into a website, create a password and retain it for re-entry, and complete answers to an online questionnaire and questions.
- No head injury, CFS or ME, current or past cerebral disease.
For more information on this study and to find out how to participate, please visit the Fibromyalgia Association UK website. Once you are on the website, click the email link to the study researcher, Pascale Harrison. She will then email you a link to the study website.
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