Please enjoy these posts from the past week on IC Disease.
Current Clinical Trials for IC Disease
Here is a list of current clinical trials that are recruiting patients with IC Disease. If you are interested in taking part in any of these, please make sure you:
Read all of the information and what is involved with participating in the trial.
Let your doctor review the clinical trial information and confirm whether you should or should not take part.
Realize that there is always some risk involved when taking part of a clinical trial.
How Cranberry Juice Can Help UTIs
The above video is a brief explanation of how cranberry juice supposedly helps those suffering from urinary tract infections. I personally have never been able to drink cranberry juice – it has the same affect on me as orange juice and it tears my bladder up. Even back before I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis I was never able to drink cranberry juice.
An IC Disease Story: Teacher Retires Due to IC
Tonight I found a news story online about a teacher who just retired for the second time due to her Interstitial Cystitis. She was a teacher for over 30 years and her Interstitial Cystitis is so severe that she had to have her bladder removed.
Vote For Fighting Fatigue: Best Health Blog!
am a Health Maven on Wellsphere and they are currently running a Best Health Blog contest. I would love to have you vote for my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia website, Fighting Fatigue, and you can do so by clicking HERE.
Stomach Flu, Sinus Infection and No Sleep – Oh My!
It has been a very exhausting weekend so far at my house. Thursday I was at the doctor again for the third time in the past four months for a sinus infection. Then Thursday evening around 11:00 p.m. my son started throwing up and having diarrhea all night and all day on Friday.
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