KNAX in Phoenix. WBPH in Philadelphia. WTVZ in Norfolk. KMAY in Waco. WWMB in Myrtle Beach. KRIS in Corpus Christi. KALB in Alexandria. These are just a few of the many TV stations across the country that have played the new CFS public service announcement (PSA). In fact, each of these stations played the PSA at least 20 times so far, giving CFS patients and the public many opportunities to view the 30-second segment. By January 2007 the TV PSA had already played 4,425 times across the country. It has played on the networks including CBS, ABC, NBS, CW and FOX and on affiliates from Honolulu to Tallahassee.
The radio PSAs have also been getting a lot of air time. As of January, stations reported that they had already aired, or were planning to air, the 60-second version, 30-second version and the live-read copy more than 21,000 times, for a projected listening audience of 131 million Americans. As with the television PSA, some stations play the radio announcement a single time, while others play the radio PSAs dozens of times over a period of weeks or months. For instance, KALI-AM and KALI-FM in Los Angeles reported that the stations are airing all 3 versions of the radio PSA a combined total of more than 200 plays, while WCNA-FM in Tupelo is running the 30-second radio PSA 15 times.
The PSAs are part of the national CFS public awareness campaign sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the CFIDS Association of America. They will continue to be aired across the country at selected TV and radio stations. You can find more information on the campaign and the PSAs at
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