There is still much unknown about CFS but one thing science has proven is that CFS is associated with changes in the immune system. This is where the acronym CFIDS came from – Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome.
PWCs (People With CFS) often have many different & unusual infections at the same time. Because these infections are numerous, it can be difficult to treat, as each infection needs to be treated directly.
PWCs are at high risk of contracting many infections. PWCs whose CFS came on suddenly were most likely caused by viral infections. Some of these include the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV-6), or cytomegalovirus (CMV). The medical theory behind these viruses is that once infected, over a period of time these viruses are no longer active. In PWCs the body still acts as if they are active and this may result in elevated levels of interfon.
Our bodies produce interfon to fight viral infections. Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., Director for the Annapolis Research Center for Effective FMS/CFS Therapies says:
“When a person with cancer or hepatitis is injected with interferon, he or she becomes achy, fatigued & brain-fogged. Underactive adrenal glands can also cause interfon levels to become elevated. Because of this elevation, it is more accurate to say that the body’s immune system is not functioning properly than to say that it’s underactive.”
He believes, along with other researchers, that the immune system in PWCs is in overdrive and exhausts itself. Because the immune system malfunctions, the effectiveness of the body’s natural killer cells decreases. Natural killer cells are an important defense mechanism against fighting infection & disease.
Common recurrent infections among PWCs include chronic bladder, sinus, respiratory & prostate and are treated with antibiotics by the medical community. Repeated use of antibiotics can lead to yeast overgrowth. The controversial theory among physicians is that the chronic overgrowth of yeast may be a strong trigger for CFS, Fibromyalgia and even further immune dysfunction.
PWCs frequently have bowel parasite infections that can cause severe allergic and sensitivity reactions.
Dr. Teitelbaum recommends the following treatments for treating infections without antibiotics. NEVER ATTEMPT ANY TREATMENT REGIMEN WITHOUT CONSULTING YOUR PHYSICIAN FIRST!
Respiratory infection, cold, or flu:
– Take natural thymic hormone. This can be found in a product called ProBoost and it is a very effective immune stimulant.
– Take 1,000 milligrams of olive leaf extract 3 times a day for 3 – 7 days. This can also be used for yeast overgrowth.
– Take 1,000 milligrams of Echinacea a day – this is an herbal immune stimulant.
– Take 1,000 – 8,000 milligrams of Vitamin C a day – enough to get diarrhea, then cut back to a comfortable level.
Sinus infections:
– Nasal rinse
– Use a humidifier or vaporizer in your bedroom
– Take 500 milligrams of Vitamin C a day
Jacqueline L. Jones says
Garlic tablets helped me shake an unknown invader that sent my temperature to 104 on a regular basis for over two years.