A study was conducted to researchthe effect of high cocoa polyphenol rich chocolate in patients with CFIDS. There are data suggesting neuro-endocrine axis involvement in CFS including disturbance in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, growth hormone axis, opioidergic system and interactions with 5-Hydroxy Tryptamine (5-HT) system.
Studies with selective 5-HT-releasing agents, using prolactin or cortisol responses to stimulation, found evidence of enhanced serotonergic responses in patients with CFS. Cocoa is known to increase neurotransmitters like phenyl ethylamine, serotonin, and anandamide in the brain.
Ten patients were given high cocoa polyphenol rich chocolate for an 8 week period. The results were as follows:
- Patients given the chocolate fatigue symptoms improved significantly. But when they were given the placebo, their scores on the Chandler Fatigue Scale dropped dramatically.
- Two patients were able to return to work after having experienced symptoms for 2 years and they continued on the high cocoa polyphenol chocolate.
Now we can eat chocolate and not feel guilty, right? Hey- any excuse for me to eat chocolate! 🙂
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