Nirvana spa offers path to wellness
A mother and daughter who have found alternative paths to their own health are eager to help others. They have established a spa at their Kingwood Township home and named it Nirvana. Maria and Kristen Plass believe that a natural way of living, which includes healthy food, a positive outlook and a diversified exercise regimen will promote longevity and quality of life.
Lyme sufferers flounder through the health-care system
Michelle Derman never saw the tick that bit her while she vacationed at Shawnigan Lake. Weeks before she started Grade 9, the athletic, energetic teen fell mysteriously ill. She was first diagnosed with strep throat, then mono, then chronic fatigue syndrome.
‘I Am Not My Illness, It Is Only A Part of Me’
An occasional feature in which readers describe how they have adjusted to life with a chronic illness.
It began with a high fever and sore throat in the fall of 1996. I expected to feel better after a week, but the flulike symptoms, aching and malaise persisted. I was luckier than most: Within six months I had a diagnosis: chronic fatigue syndrome.
Adrenal Fatigue or Hypocortisolemia”
With Adrenal Fatigue being one of my areas of interest, I watch for updated research in regard to this subject. Many times I will come across medical research articles in regard to this syndrome but it will be referred to by other names, such as “mild adrenal insufficiency” or simply a “low cortisol state”. Some reputable medical entities still do not believe that an Adrenal Fatigue type adrenal disorder exists (less that full-blown adrenal insufficiency), including surprisingly, the Mayo Clinic.
Poor Sleep Makes Fibromyalgia Worse
Fibromyalgia is a condition in which a person suffers from chronic pain. Having chronic pain, or course, makes someone’s mood worse and decreases their ability to respond to stress. It is also well established that people with chronic pain have trouble sleeping. It is assumed that the pain interferes with sleep, but this study shows it might be the other way around.
Drug Companies Push New Medications for Fibromyalgia Via Disease Mongering Campaigns
Pfizer has launched a television advertising campaign to push its medicine for fibromyalgia, even though the disease’s existence is disputed by some doctors.
The SHIN Protocol Review
Most of you have probably heard of the book From Fatigue to Fantastic by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD. This book has been around for a few years, but it has recently received national attention due to raised fibromyalgia awareness. Dr. Teitelbaum is the originator of the SHIN Protocol.
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