If you would like to take part in a clinical research study that is currently recruiting Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome patients, you can go to the Urinary Pain Study site locator, enter your city and state, and see if an opportunity is available in your area to participate. Here are the details of the study:
We are currently enrolling volunteers for a clinical research trial to study if an investigational medication can help to reduce pain associated with interstitial cystitis and/or painful bladder syndrome.
You may be eligible to participate in the pain study if you:
•Are a male or female, 18 – 80 years of age (women must not be pregnant or planning to become pregnant and must be non-breastfeeding)
•Have had moderate to severe chronic bladder pain for at least six months accompanied by any of the following:
1.Frequent urination
2.Urgent urination
3.Frequent night urination
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