If you are like me, you probably never knew there was such a thing, right? I read an article about it on Associated Content and I was just amazed that such a thing exists.
Dermatillomania is considered an obsessive compulsive disorder in which a person gets an anxiety release from picking at their own skin. People with this condition will continually pick at scabs, insect bites and other lesions on their bodies to where they often permanently damage their skin.
The areas of the body that are usually picked at the most from people with this disorder are the face, back, scalp, arms, legs, hands and feet.
If a person with this disorder cannot find something to pick at on their body, they will dig until they create a spot. They realize what they are doing, yet feel as though they cannot stop.
Zoe says
I am 33 and have had CSP or dermatillomania since age 8. it’s horrible but new research links it with ocd like tourette syndrome. check it out