There was recently a research study completed that was conducted over a 53-year period in the United Kingdom to determine if childhood illness and early life health problems are prevalent in CFS patients.
The conclusion of the study found that those individuals who exercise frequently are more likely to get CFS later in life. Continuing to be active despite increasing signs of fatigue may be a crucial step in developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
To review the etiology of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and test hypotheses relating to immune system dysfunction, physical deconditioning, exercise avoidance, and childhood illness experiences, using a large prospective birth cohort.
A total of 4779 participants from the Medical Research Council’s National Survey of Health and Development were prospectively followed for the first 53 years of their life with more than 20 separate data collections. Information was collected on childhood and parental health, atopic illness [e.g., allergies, eczema, asthma], levels of physical activity, fatigue, and participant’s weight and height at multiple time points. CFS was identified through self-report during a semistructured interview at age 53 years with additional case notes review.
Of 2983 participants assessed at age 53 years, 34 (1.1%, 95% Confidence Interval 0.8-1.5) reported a diagnosis of CFS. Those who reported CFS were no more likely to have suffered from childhood illness or atopy. Increased levels of exercise throughout childhood and early adult life and a lower body mass index were associated with an increased risk of later CFS. Participants who later reported CFS continued to exercise more frequently even after they began to experience early symptoms of fatigue.
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