One common fatigue disorder is mononucleosis. Mononucleosis is an infectious viral disease that is transferred in saliva or kissing. You can spread mono to someone else through kissing, sharing food or drinks, coughing, or sneezing. The cause of mono is the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). EBV is a member of the herpesvirus family and one of the most common human viruses. Most people become infected with EBV at some point in their lives – 95% of adults between 35 – 40 years of age have been infected.
When children become infected with EBV, there are often no symptoms. When EBV infection occurs during adolescence or young adulthood, 35% – 50% of the time mononucleosis results.
Symptoms of mononucleosis include:
– Sore throat that is different than a regular sore throat you get from a cold
– Fever
– Enlarged lymph nodes in throat, neck and arms
– Headache
– Loss of appetite
– Extreme Fatigue
– Tiredness
– Malaise (a general feeling of being unwell)
– Enlarged spleen and liver
– Liver tenderness
– Jaundice
– Skin rash
– Swelling around the eyes
Diagnosing Mononucleosis
If your doctor suspects that you may have mono, he/she will run a series of blood tests. It is usually standard procedure for physicians to run a CBC test (complete blood count), a mono test and a throat swab culture. If the patient’s blood test for mono is negative, but they have the symptoms, an EBV antibody test is run.
Treating Mononucleosis
There aren’t any prescription medications given to treat mono itself. Pain medications can be prescribed though to treat any pain the mono patient may have if it is significant. When I had mono, I was instructed to:
– Get plenty of bed rest
– Drink plenty of fluids
– Take pain medication as prescribed
Complications of Mononucleosis
A significant complication of mono is the enlargement of the spleen. In extreme cases, your spleen may rupture, causing sharp, sudden pain in the left side of your upper abdomen. If such pain occurs, seek medical attention immediately you may need surgery.
Most people with mononucleosis have mild liver inflammation (hepatitis). A yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes (jaundice) occurs occasionally, usually in people older than 35. About half the people with mononucleosis have a low count of platelets, which are blood cells involved in clotting.
Less common complications of mono can include anemia, inflammation of the heart, nervous system complications (meningitis, seizures, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre syndrome), and swollen tonsils that can lead to obstructive breathing.
There have been some CFS people who report that they originally had mono which later turned into CFS. I was initially diagnosed with mononucleosis and had all of the symptoms, including the swollen spleen. But was that mono or was that CFS?
Prognosis of Mononucleosis
The fever usually drops in 10 days, and swollen lymph glands and spleen heal in 4 weeks. Fatigue usually goes away within a few weeks, but may linger for 2 to 3 months.
I have known some people with mono who said they never felt good again after they contracted mono. Our former babysitter had mono when she was 13 years old and she said she never felt as though she recovered. She is always fatigued and doesn’t have the stamina a normal teenager should have.
FreeFromPT says
I had mono when I was in 9th grade. I’ve been trying to search in my brain to see if I ever felt “not tired” since then. It’s been so long, I can’t remember.
My friend has a sister who had mono in high school and has it again and is 6 MOS PREGNANT. Please say a prayer for her.
My friend is concerned her sister may have CFS (or something similar) when all of this is said and done.
sandy says
I was told by a doctor one time that if you have mono once you can’t get it again. Anything is possible though.
I wonder how many of us with CFS had mono at one time or another? That’s interesting.
Donna Lindsay says
I’ve had it twice and a negative spot test in middle proved it. (Fatigue follwed both cases, and I’m always tired.) Now my spleen feels like mono but it’s not. Mitral valve went nuts three times and evidently damaged my spleen, and these lasted too long causing dminished blood flow to spleen. Who thinks about a spleen going bad because of heart flutters? I do not want to lose my spleen! I’m very tired and I have been fatigued at times way too much so now I have an answer for that. Lately I’m more tired than ever (had some surgeries and 11 units of blood so who wouldn’t be tired? I’m almost 79. I hope I can just get back to my walking, gym work, photogrpahy, etc. soon. I’ll get more and regular sleep and soon add walking as my knee heals up. Hang in there and don’t overdo each of you and know you are not alone!! I have things I so want to do, but I cannot push when fatigued. Thank goodness for photo work and handwork (knitting and embroidery). I also LOVE music.
Jennifer Comeau says
Mono is an illness caused by contracting or carrying the Ebstein Barr virus, which is in the Herpes family. So, if you understand herpes, you can understand Mono. Once Ebstein Barr is contracted, you will carry it for the rest of your life. Can you contract it twice? No, But it is likely to have multiple outbreaks of Mono, some with weaker symptoms, some stronger. If a patient is elderly or has other health problems, the outbreaks can be magnified.
If this is still confusing – think about HIV and Aids on a much smaller scale.
Juliana says
I have to much to say but I can’t seem to get in lost my pass word haha. There’s a plasma exchange research going I need to tell this humans that are suffering as I am. And the research is blood $500 plus. Am sorry late can’t sleep and can’t think.
CJ says
I had mono when I was 19 (in 1973). I had it again in 2007, 2008 and again in 2010. After each case I have had to decrease my working hours; from 40 hrs a week to 20; from 20 hrs/wk to 12 hrs/wk. I have read of many who have had mono more than once. My dr was hesitant to consider this CFS. Lately the brain fog, clumsiness, etc has greatly increased. I may have to see him again. I am a pianist and sometimes when I sit down at the piano I am disoriented and have difficulty playing music I know. Just wanted to leave a comment about having mono more than once. My dr called it “reactivated.”
traci says
This is a good post. I had mono when I was in high school and didn’t recover fully for almost 8 years.
I am convinced that my chronic fatigue was mono-induced. Every time I would see a dr. for my fatigue the bloodwork indicated that my immune system was compromised and eventually I was diagnosed with CFIDS.
Personally – I always referred to it as chronic EBV – or Chronic Mono. I would have good seasons, and really bad seasons.
When I was diagnosed with mono…I pushed myself, hard! I was in high-school and didn’t give up sports (or partying). I never took a break despite being exhausted.
Now, when a friend tells me that one of their children has mono I beg them to make the child slow down. After 8 years of struggling with fatigue…the “kissing-disease” is something to be taken VERY seriously right away.
Alright…off my soapbox. I love your blog!
Jennifer says
I was just told I have high EBV levels in my blood. I remember getting mono in college and never feeling the same since. I too have been told it stress or in my head. I’ve always known something was wrong, but I actually never linked all my symptoms to the mono. I have extreme fatigue without a lot of sleep, head pain and shoot nerve pain in my arms. I also began suffering from acne when I got mono in college and that also has not resolved itself. I had no, or very minimal acne prior to this- and no history of acne in my family. I am now 31 and still dealing with all of these symptoms. I want to feel “normal” again. I want my body to work like everyone else’s. I always would tell me that I remember what it was like to feel “normal,” that’s how I knew something was wrong.
Sandy, you said you recovered after 8 years? How did you do this? I am reading all sorts of advice online about taking high vitamin C doses, along with other vitamins. I’ve always taken vitamin C daily since I got mono because without it I will get very sick again.. throat infections etc. But perhaps I was not taking enough vitamin to really put this virus into remission. What did you do to recover??
Amanda says
I have had mono for 14 months straight now, I know it sounds crazy but everytime they draw my blood it says reactive. 14 months ago it started, got strep theist three times, the fatigue is the worst I have had acne and never had acne or skin problems in my entire life! I get cut at work and it doesn’t heal for three months, the fatigue is ruining my life, I have two children. I work A LOT and my only day off I have so much to do but sleep the entire day away every time. It’s depressing me. I get shit from my boyfriend that all our days off together he’s taking care of kids while I sleep until 3:30pm and ruin our day together. I’m dizzy and fogged every morning, mornings are the worst, I would call out every morning if I weren’t the most important server at my brothers restaurant and it falls apart when I’m not there. Or I get yelled at when I give myself an extra night off because the new girls don’t know what they’re doing. I purposefully hired two new people because my mono. And still can’t catch a break. My entire face and neck is broken out and isn’t just normal acne, it becomes scars and I go into work looking like I’m cracked put picking my face all night. My throat has had enlarged lymph nodes and swollen for 10 months straight every single day swollen and burning, no medicine can take this away. Been on prednisone twice Z-packs, penicillin twice, three diff antibiotics. Nothing is helping me. Fatigue is destroying me, pericarditis, inflamed heart… how long is this gonna last, I read eight years to recover and started crying!
winn says
I was diagnosed w/ mono in June 2006. Six weeks after the birth of my second son. It was awful. Almost two years later I still feel awful. I will have periods when I feel okay, but I just don’t have the energy I used to have-and I was a very active person!
I have been to all kinds of doctors. Been diagnosed w/ CF, mitral-valve prolapse, as well as dysautonomia. However, I still feel like something is just not right! My family dr. says it’s just the stress and anxiety of children. It’s not!! I know my body.
Right now I am completely fatigued and have this tightness in my chest and throat.
I know I keep pushing myself, but I have to live my life. I feel like I have already missed out on two years of my children’s lives.
Anyone with any idea what this is or how long mono can last…please help. I feel so depressed and hopeless
Thank you.
Stacy Alvarez says
Your chronic fatigue is most likely from your dysautonomia. Which dysautonomia do u have? I have POTS and CFS. All of this started with a mono type virus. I had strep infection 8 times in a 6 month period.
Shae' says
I am dealing with similar situation. I’ve had strep throat 8 times as well. Then no positive strep throat but my throat and glands we’re raw and I started getting bilateral ear infections. I never had ear infections even as a child. I did notice that my lymph nodes were imflammed several times under both armpits for two weeks and they were so sore. I went to an immunologist and they said I was allergic to cat’s. Moved no more cat’s and started testing negative for strep throat but still felt like poop. I then got sent to infectious disease and she tested titers. 19 of my IGG’S were low out of 23. She told me to come back in 6 week’s. So I did and she gave me a pneumovac shot. Came back and 14 titers we’re low so I thought good I’m getting better. Well they never said I had the ebstein virus. So this was june/ July of 2016. A year and some months later I felt like poop again fatigue muscle aches, fever, and my ears hurt. She finally ran the Mono test so December 4th I was told. I’ve been running fevers ever since everyday. My daughter tested positive and she lives in a different home. My boyfriend and I live together but he won’t get tested. So if it’s in it’s contagious form and I am next to him would I be reinfected or simply have a relapse? Then a month or so before that a woman cut her foot on a filing cabinet at work. I was assisting her and tried to find Band-Aids in our alledged full first aid kit. There was No Band-Aids no first aid supplies and she told me she is positive for HIV! I am so frustrated because I don’t feel good. Any suggestions?
Lisa Rensch says
Look up info on Dr William Anthony. He’s got a few books and I read the one about healing your thyroid. I didn’t read it because of my thyroid, but because of his info on the Epstein-Barr Virus and all of the problems/
Illnesses it causes. I have been fatigued for so long. I’m 48 and can’t remember the last time I felt “normal.” So I got tested for EBV by a Functional Medicine Doctor and it indicated that I did have mono in the past, and according to Dr William Anthony says the virus can settle in your organ(s) and wreak havoc in your life. My doctor is going to put me on a homeopathic cleanse for EBV specifically. I will start that next week. I finally feel positive about the direction I’m heading.
Nancy Olson says
I’mreplying to a message that you put up in 2008. This is 2016. You’ve probably figured it out by now, but if you haven’t I was in the same boat as you are. Or should I say I am still in the same boat. I found a support group that has been absolutely awesome for me. I’ve been told the rheumatologist will test you until they can come up with exactly what kind of strain of mono or CFS that you have, then you can treat it properly. I’ve been told there are at least 500 strains of mono and chronic fatigue good luck.
Juliana says
Funny I just saw your name I go by Juliana by my real name is Nancy
London says
What is the name of the support group. Iโm really desperate. Thank you.
Juliana says
Am sorry I have 3children. When my youngest was 2 yrs. old I was so busy as a Personal Triner volunteering, going to school and taking care of me and my family. I was doing to much and although my nutrition was excellent my stress was high and for me that was normal. Well I guess my body had enough and when my ammune was low it got me and am not a person that gets sick. I had chicken Pox at 21 it was awful. Now as we speak I am a yoga teacher, Trapeze teacher and personal trainer. Not able to do my job or workout at the moment. There’s a great book I just purchased on mono and how to nip it true certain foods… Mono feeds on bad chemicals that enter your body like in your spleen, liver even kidneys, is an opportunist. But ai never give up! Even if is a good bike ride I force my self with my, I do traction on my Trapeze and strength training and I was a sprinter. Don’t count on doctors helping you, this is a great site. Remind me to give you the name of the book. Am starting his way of life after mono when I get back from Spain…continuing education. I don’t feel good as we speak and my doctors told me to cancell my trip they also told me the same when I was going tru Yoga School and why would I stop my life? Off course I listen to my body and heart.
Maureen Catalano says
Hi! I’ve had mono when I was 16, now 55. I always need lots of sleep, but can be productive. I’ve picked up this wonderful book After listening to this wonderful author on the radio. Its called the medium medic healing mystery illness. I’m going to try his program.
Lisa Rensch says
I just read one of his books. My Functional Medicine Doc is putting me on a homeopathic cleanse for EBV specifically. I will start next week. I finally feel good about direction I’m heading concerning my health. Hopefully I can rid my body of its fatigue. His book that I read was the one on fixing the thyroid which focuses primarily on EBV. Highly recommend it.
Erin says
Hello, your post really hit home with me- I have two small children and have had mono for the past ten months. My primary and infectious disease both just say “rest.” This has been such a strain on my family, to put it mildly. I too have tightness in chest, anxiety on my throat daily and all the doctors just suggest anti depressants (which I’m afraid will cause insomnia and additional side effects). I’m in a constant state of an anxiety that I will never get better. Any improvements on your end?
Lisa Rensch says
Read my post above for info I previously posted and you may find it helpful.
London says
My son is 11 a nd was diagnosed in Jan 2018. He has not felt good since then. The doctors keep saying heโs stressed out but I know my son he doesnโt feel well. Headaches, tingling in his hands and keeps getting very dehydrated. We donโt know what else to do either.
Mamaforlife says
Hi.. I know what you mean… I was diagnosed with mono a few months ago and life has never been the same… no energy, no family support as everyone attributes my fatigue to depression. I am not depressed…just really frustrated as I was really active before.. Now I can barely make it through the day…
How does one get checked for CFS?
Corilynn says
I had mono has a child and was one of the most active persons around. Every time that I am fatigued and exhausted or not feeling good they draw my blood and my EBV is off the charts. My daughter who is a full time athlete was getting run down and sick a lot so I demanded blood work and sure enough it showed that she had had mono in the past and was not treated. Now everytime she feels this way which is quite often due to sports they run her blood her EBV is off the charts. The doctor suggested Valtrex which has a way to help with the side effects of individuals who suffer from the long term effects of EBV. Has anyone tried this before?
It does seem when she takes a zpack it helps but only short term.
Sierra says
Did she or either or you try the Valtrex?
Sandy Robinson says
Winn, I believe it can take months to recover from mono and from most people I have talked to who have had mono, they never feel the same again. They find that they fatigue easy and their sleeping habits will increase.
I really believe that mono & CFS have a very close connection and wonder if they are not one & the same, just CFS a manifestation. If you are having trouble dealing emotionally with the illness, I would recommend counseling. It is amazing how much just talking to someone who won’t judge you can help! You can also come to my forum at and talk with us there. We would be glad to have you!
Sandy Robinson says
I’m sorry to hear of your struggles, too. It is really terrible to deal with illness when you do not have family support.
You can click the link below to take the CFS assessment:
I would then recommend finding a doctor who specializes in CFS to make an appointment with.
I would recommend that you too stop by my forum to talk to others there – we won’t judge you!
Joanie THompson says
Winn, Please don’t feel so discouraged. I know what you mean when you say your body just doesn’t feel right. I was diagnosed over a month ago with mono and it has been the most difficult illness I have ever had (58 years old). The mono affected my liver and caused my liver enzymes to be elevated. The hardest part is the fatigue. I hope you get better.
Virginia says
I am 52 and have been in bed most of 3 months with mono. Has anyone heard of mono is more severe in adults over a certain.age? Joanne Thompson, how long did your last?
Rolane says
Y es, I have heard it hits hard in older adults. I was diagnosed with cmv mononuclieosis over 9wks ago and am struggling to care for my kids and just perform daily tasks. I am a single mom 44 y/o with no family around. Toughest sickness I have ever dealt with. Fatigue, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, difficulty sleeping, brain fog, dizziness, nausea and rash to name a few! I have been taking key supplements that help my immune system fight this herpes virus that is often not thought of as a major illness. It is. It can affect every organ in your body for months or years. I am feeling slow progress everyday and I try to stay positive. I stretch everyday and practice breathing techniques. I will hang in there and get over this but yes it does hit harder in older adults.
Becky says
Rolane, I just found this thread. Looks like we got hit with illness about the same time. How are you doing? I contracted Cytomegalovirus (CMV), which also causes mono, in Dec, 2015, at age 48. It has been a nightmare. Basically 6 weeks of being really really sick, then fatigue and low grade fevers since then. I have been given flexeril to help me sleep (5 mg), and it works pretty well. I have good days – but when I feel better I always seem to do too much and then I’m slammed with fever, aches, fatigue, and brain fog for days. I’ve gained weight because my exercise routine stopped … I found it was either exercise or do basic daily tasks … I can’t seem to manage both. But I hate being overweight and feeling like I can’t do anything about it. When I have a few good days in a row, I get so do so down when I get hit with fever again. I also take Prozac, which helps, and lots of nutritional supplements. But I really just need this to end. I want my life back! Anyway – hope you are on the road to recovery.
Angus says
I am 13 years old and have mono, my mum had mono in college and then was diagnosed with cfs, and I feel like the same will happen to me. On weekends I can sleep up to 20 hours a day, only waking up for food and maybe a walk. I went from being incredibly sporty and a very active lifestyle to being stuck in bed, I still go to school but I fall asleep in every lesson
Mary says
I had a severe case of mono and almost died from it. I was only 19. They were ready to do emergency surgery to take my gall bladder and spleen out. I got told if I didn’t get better I was going to be put on the transfer list for a liver. I luckily got better but I am always tired. My left tonsil is always swollen and I got told it will never go down. I work third shift and sometimes I am so tired I can sleep for 15 hours out of the day. I also notice I get tonsillitis every year now too! What my doctor recommended me to take vitamin D3 and iron when I am starting to dip. It helps the problem. I would check with your doctor to see what they can do.
Juliana says
Yes am a bit younger 45 but it got me at 38 yrs. of age and I thrive on physical activities! I just came positive for mono very high accuse, the accuse is gone. I am not the same. Am so sad because I feel so tired, nervous system that was the first thing I notice when I first got it, everything seems like one big chore even brushing my teeth but I push my self to do small physical activities and time with family. This time around vertigo hit with an extreme pressure in my sinuses but no infection and my left ear hurting, noise bothers me and bright lights. I have a chronic fever since it got me again in 2017. Doctors are clueless. Am a bit scared as I am loosing weight fast and my muscles mass. All they want to give you is sedatives. If I need energy and uplift mood to clean house sometimes Inam guilty tomsay Tramadol get me going and might not take my pain away but it make you happy with energy. Not a cure for sure. Am sorry you are going tru this, it does get worse the older we get, the symptoms that’s is not life, life is kind of a struggle but I am lucky I have good support and love and live on the beach very soothing. Remember I make my self get up go outside and at least soak up sun for 30min.
Christy says
Everyone else has all these symptoms from mono and I just got diagnosed today and I only went to the Dr for back pain!? I’ve been having pain in my upper left ribs on the back and around my spine and I was confused when he wanted me to do a test for mono!? It came back positive immediately and I still have to get an MRI done to have my spleen looked at. I’m only 33 and have never had mono or have anyone close to me have mono so I just started reading on it and have no other symptoms…
Lisa Rensch says
See my post above. You might find it very helpful. Don’t want to retype it all.
Barb says
hello all… I had mono in 2016…. the doc told me to “lay in the sun and drink a smoothie”..I left her…..I was off of work for 6 weeks and c oulda stayed home much longer… the n6 weeks of no sleep.. then 6 weeks of a dark depression… it is now the end of 2018 and I tire easily… get colds more often and they last forever… errrrr…. read Dr Anthony’s book.. it is a BEAR to be on his regimen.. I try the best I can….sigh…..
breindie says
two years ago i was diagnosed with chronic mono. i, like so many have described, was a very active person until then. now i am 60 yeas old. sometimes i feel 6,000. sometimes i get up in the morning with energy, and then take a shower and want to rest. i have had acupuncture treatments for many months and felt they help. my doctor says i no longer, according to my tongue, have mono. on the other hand, i am so tired. i sleep at least 10-12 hours a night, and still push through the days. it is insane. also, it seems my nervous system was effected, making me shaky. i do yoga and meditate. then, i push down a coffee, maybe two, i know that’s bad, but i just want to jump start the motor. i wonder, will this fatigue ever leave?
sickandtired says
I am a 43 year old who has been fighting this for the last 3 to 4 years, My doctor I think deals with me, but does not help me. I have a adhd 9 yr old child who is extremely active and I cannot keep up. I barely have the energy to dress him in the morning. If this does not get better and someone comes up with something to give us our strength back, I don’t know how I am suppose to deal with the rest of my life. I can’t do dishes, pay bills, clean house. It takes all my strength to dress my child for school and me for work and for me to get to work on time. I am always late and always calling in sick because I cannot get the energy to get up and go or I just feel so bad. I have not dated in 2 to 3 years (can’t even remember how long anymore) life is really sucking here due to this crap.
Carlee says
I totally understand what you are going through. I have canceled so many appointments and made up excuses that make me feel terrible – I’ve never been a good liar. I wish I had a suggestion. I have a psychiatrist who started treating me for depression and then ADHD, so now I have stimulants and they are my lifeline. Even with them, I only have a few good hours a day. I have two teens and I feel like I am not the mom that I wanted to be. It’s okay though, just keep doing your best. If you can, enroll your child in activities, hire a housekeeper, do what you need to do to get through. The job part is very hard. I’ve left a couple of jobs that were just too much, and I can work less than 40hrs at my current job, which helps a lot. I bought paper plates to help with dishes and I don’t cook at all anymore. Warm thoughts your way, I know it’s so hard… just keep doing what you can.
Delena says
Hey ladies,
In Feb. 2005, I had a really bad cold, next thing I knew I felt pain in neck- all over but especially in the back of my neck. Then I noticed a large bump on the front of my neck. It scared me into seeing just any doctor. We were new to the area and I hadn’t picked a primary yet. I was in excruciating pain and had a multitude of symptoms.
Long story, but I saw over 15 doctors. I had multiple tests. Not sure if they ever did a mono check. My own research revealed I had thyroiditis and the virus known to cause it is Epstein Barr. No one ever checked my EBV levels even though I requested it. It wasn’t until AFTER I had my right thyroid out as a desperate attempt to fix the problem, that I realized there was something else too. My new doctor did a complete bloodwork and checked ANA and EBV. The ANA was borderline high and the EBV was high. They said I had mono. But this was a year after the onset, so I knew that couldn’t be right. I had the EBV checked again a year later and it was still high. Now, I’m told it’s CFS.
Seems like doctors just don’t know what to call it. So, it’s been over three years since the onset and I’m still struggling with swollen painful lymph nodes, sore throats and fatique. I even get a stinging feeling deep in my skin when I move around. I haven’t read anything about the skin feelings but I’m guessing that’s part of the EBV.
I read recently that Valtrex has shown promising results in the treatment of EBV but more studies are needed.
I’m really hoping they find a cure for this. I too, want my life back.
danielle says
Hi there,
Just found this site. Very happy to hear I am not nuts! I contracted mono when I was 14 (26 years ago)! Misdiagnosed by 5 different doctors. I did not catch it from a boyfriend but rather smoking puffing on the same cigarette with my girlfriends behind the school. Please note that there were several cases reported that year in my school and the school covered all of the water fountains. Please warn your children when drinking from public fountains.
I have NEVER recovered from the sleepy symptom. I agree with all of you that it is linked to CFS. I am tired all the time. My husband calls me lazy and my children can not understand why I am always so tired. I have also experienced the “stinging” in my limbs but it comes and goes. I did see a doctor over this and a psychologist. I thought it was depression. Can you believe they both said that I needed rest! The psychologist gave me a sleeping pill! I am just so sick and tired of being sick and tired. Thanks for posting this.
Michele says
I have all of the symptoms of mono right now and I went to the doctor today and instead of testing me for it he just gave me some sore throat medicine and said that if it didn’t work to come back because mono has been going around where I live….But I am a cheerleader at my highschool and we have practice tomorrow and if it is mono then I shouldn’t be active until I’m better again. The worst part of this whole thing is that like some of you have posted that my family keeps telling me that it’s just a sore throat and that I’ll be fine but I’ve never felt like this before I know there is something wrong with me besides a sore throat whether it’s mono or not!!
Christy says
Hello Everyone,
I’m so happy to find people that feel the same way I do! When I was 13 I was diagnosed with mono. I had to miss the last part of school and eventually was able to return to moderate activity. I never really felt the same and had recurrent bouts with doctors. I was told that I had chronic mono. Of course when I was younger I wanted to hang out with all of my friends. It was not easy. I could never keep up. I went home everyday for nap time. Still to this day (I’m 22) I am exhausted! I am not active like an average 22 year old. Sometimes I feel ok but not how I think I should feel. Other days I am lucky if I can just make it through class. I think about all of my friends lives and they do things. They can spend a week traveling, go to school, have jobs, hang out with friends, and not even be phased. Im scared to death of the 12hr shifts that face me in the new career Im about to start. There is no way in hell that I can stay awake for 12hrs straight especially doing things that are both mentally and physically demanding. Its kind of joke with all of my friends that Im lazy or that I have fibromyalgia but I know that something is wrong and that normal people dont feel like this! I just want to have enough energy to live my life. The problem is that I dont know how to get there. I have been on antidepressants, done the whole exercise routine thing (which I believe did more harm haha it hurts BAD),and I get plenty of rest (still have a daily nap time). I just am getting really tired of being tired!!!
Brooke says
I totally relate to what everyone is saying here. I had mono the 2nd half of my senior year (11 years ago) and I have never been the same. I caught it from drinking after my sister who had it. (I didn’t know that at the time.) Now I have to take naps whenever I can which is hard b/c I work full-time. I look forward to my naps so much. I did notice however that when I did a colon cleanse and a whole body detox I felt a little more energetic. The cleanse helped rid my body of some yeast too which I read is connected to CFS. All I know is mono changed my life forever even though it’s been several years since I’ve had it. I don’t think people take it seriously enough. Now I feel like people just think I”m lazy. It really affects relationships adversely.
jeremy says
When i was 16 i was told i had borderline mono.I came in with the sore throat,feeling fatigued and just the plain feeling something wasn’t right with my body.I still have the tingling in my limbs mostly in the wrist and the occasional muscle twitch witch all started around that time I even still get fatigue.I am 30 now, and have had every test in the book and all where negative.So I know how you guys feel doctors should be more concerned with this virus.(ps thanks for the posts at least i know im not crazy lol)
Lisa says
Did any of you feel very tired and unwell for months before the sore throat symptoms started? I am 19 years old and was diagnosed with mono in November, however I have been feeling very tired and weak since July. I wonder if it’s possible I had mono even before the sore throat symptoms showed up in November? I have been tested for so many things, have had so much bloodwork lately but the only things they have found is mono and high ANA. Now that I am over the sore throat symptoms, I still feel very very tired. My family is starting to get annoyed with me for complaining about it, but I really get the feeling that “I will never be the same”, as some of you describe.
James says
Well Ive had mono for about 4 months now and JEEZ, the fatigue does suck…But I have noticed that I go to sleep at nite so much more easily lol….if it goes on forever i guess its not the worst thing in the world….I’ll tell ya tho, I dont think ive ever consumed so much dang coffee
Daniel says
Wow… I just went to the doctor again for trying to figure out why I am so tired. I understand how you guys say it affects your relationships. I have to try so hard to stay awake and get less sleep than normal just so I can try to keep up. I had mono almost a year and a half ago, and I don’t want to be tired for the rest of my life. I am only 23 now and I feel like I dont have as much energy as I should.
Brittany Rose says
I went to the hospital today, and i was told i have mono. im 17, and six days ago a doctor told me i had a double ear infection, but the hospital said today my ears look great. Its very painfull to swallow, and i am super tired. I dont know how long i should stay out of school, my parents want me to go to school tomorrow! They just said “well just dont lick, kiss, or hug anyone”. Then they said you really can only miss a few days tops. I noticed when other people have mono, they are out of school for about a couple weeks. Im afraid they will make me go, and i wont get any better, or that i will give it to someone else, i think my boyfriend is going to get it, so i already feel bad about that.
TiredofTired says
Wow… good to find this site, I thought I was all alone in the world! I was diagnosed with mono in 2001. I slept for almost 8 weeks straight and woke up 34 lbs heavier… it was bizarre!
I feel like I have never recovered. I can’t lose this weight no matter what and I get these bouts of fatigue (like I am presently experiencing) that are just debilitating!! I can’t even talk without a struggle.
For years everyone would say, “Get out and go for a walk, you’ll feel better!” And I can’t. If I overdo it, if I do any type of physical exercise, I am down for another week. I am so tired of doctors calling this depression. I am so tired of feeling like it is “me” like I am some lazy person who every 6-9 months decides to sleep for 2-3 months. ๐
My white cell count is always high when I get like this and so is my SED rate. After going to the every single specialist that my PCP could think of (and being treated like I am a hypochondriac), I am just dealing with it. But it is terrible to be so dang tired that you can’t even function.
The last doc was a rheumatoid doc. She said she suspects something like “Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.” I thought she was cracked for suggesting such a thing, but when I asked my PCP, he said it is a good possibility with my bloodwork and symptoms. But I don’t buy it. I think it has to do with EBV and that mono episode.
I would have to say the worst part of such debilitating fatigue is that there is no excuse for it. There is no “name” for it. Thank goodness I don’t work outside of my home office, or I would have been fired a dozen times now.
Good luck to all of you! Thanks for letting me vent.
oldpro24 says
If you are experiencing sleep spells that last 2-3 months at a time you should look into Klein-Levin syndrome (i think it’s called).
Katy says
Hey everyone. I’m glad I found this forum because I was starting to think something was really wrong with what I was feeling, but I am starting to think it’s all part of mono. I am 18 and in my senior year of highschool. I was diagnosed in January 2009 and I’m just now getting over many of the symptoms. My head throbs a lot when i get up and I guess it is due to the lymph nodes in the back of my neck still being irritated.
If this helps anyone I had my first blood test during this time to test for mono and it came back negative. My doctor said it can be a false negative and decided to test for something more specific (the epsteinn barr). If you think you really may have mono, i would suggest to the doctor a more specific test.
recently I have felt incredibly emotional. I have feelings of wanting to be alone and just keep to myself all the time. My mom says its just a side effect of mono and that people normally feel cases of mild depression. I cried like three times today it was ridiculous.
I started feeling better and thought I could go out and do things, boy was i wrong. It just makes you feel worse and even more depressed. It is kind of hurting my relationship with my boyfriend because I get irritated around him and I just don’t ever feel up to hanging out. I hope this doesnt last forever.
I hope we all get back to normal. Stay tough and I am praying for all of you!
Gina says
Hello everyone. I tested positive for mono back in Dec 2007. Ever since I feel tired off and on. I can be full on energy one minute and can then find myself very tired for no apparent reason. I am almost wondering if I need to go to the doctor. I am not pregnant. I am 23 yrs old. I am not sure what to do at all. I dont have insurance either since I am working through a temp service. I dont want this to effect the job I am trying to get but when I start to feel tired everything slows down. Should I tell my potiental future employer about what I was told I had two almost 1yr 1/2 ago? Please any advice would be greatly appriciated.
Suzanne says
So glad to have found this site. I’m home sick yet again and feeling like the biggest wimp in the world because I seem to catch everything since I had mono 2 years ago. It seems like I’ve not had full energy since and and I seem to catch anything anyone else has now. It’s tiring. Interesting reading that Katy has head throbbing, too. The back of my head has been throbbing a lot the last month – just told my husband about it last night and now he’s worried about me.
linda says
We’re doomed.
linda says
I too suffer from fatigue and my doctors can’t find anything wrong. I get frustrated every time I tell them about it and I can tell they either don’t take it seriously enough (I look healthy enough) or they don’t know what to do or, what annoys me most of all, they think that it’s caused by depression. “Have you tried Wellbutrin?” “Yes, I have.” I know it’s not depression.
Anyway, I’m about to give up on finding any treatable diagnosis. “Chronic mono” doesn’t help anyone, since it can’t be treated. “Chronic fatigue syndrome” is the same as saying “we don’t know why you’re tired and can’t do anything about it”.
Maybe the best I can do is be pragmatic and try anything that helps lessen the fatigue – like Ritalin – and just count my blessings.
Stizzle says
I’m so glad I found this website. I was diagnosed with mono in September of 2007. It’s currently May 2009 and I feel incredibly fatigued every day of my life. Sometimes I get up for work, shower, get dressed, and then call in sick because I can’t fathom the idea of expending any more energy that day. I’m a teacher, so I’m expected to be “on” all the time. Sometimes I feel like driving home in the middle of the day and having a nap, but I can’t. On the weekends I sleep up to 14 hours a night and then take additional naps during the day. My roomates think I’m lazy. I’m 25 and I can’t keep up with my friends like I used to. I don’t belong to any online social networking sites because I think they’re ridiculous so I always feel out of the loop too. If I am out with friends, I almost always leave early because I can’t keep my eyes open. If I’m invited to a party, I usually pass it up because they usually don’t start until 9:00 or 10:00 and that’s my ideal bed time. I had to give up a volunteering job that I loved reading to blind people because it was just too taxing on my mind and body. I don’t take alcohol or drugs, but the only thing that seems to get me going these days is the occasional cup of coffee. I’m a vegetarian and I cook almost all of my own meals. I take vitamins every day. I exercise. Nothing seems to work. I have read all of your posts, and I feel everything you’re feeling. My doctor says it’s stress and has prescribed an anti-depressant and sleeping pills, but trust me, I have no trouble sleeping!
Bay04 says
Reading this site really helps! I have been getting so incredibly frustrated lately at how little my body is cooperating. I have always been able to go on little to no sleep, lots of physical activity, and been able to eat whatever I wanted without gaining a pound I’m female 6’2″. While in college I took full course loads, exercised horses 2-3 everyday, had part time jobs, worked up to 6days a week night shift- which left little time for sleep, but I never needed it– I’ve always had an amazing amount of energy was in sports throughout highschool etc… After graduating (that summer in fact) I landed my dream job salaried employee and everything managing a horse farm! I would get up at 5am and work until 11p or later; we had alot of staff turnover so there were months where I didn’t get a day off and was doing this seven days a week! Then in the winter (08) I started getting more tired and was needing more sleep it seemed every other week I was battling a cold and taking days off then it turned into every week. I’ve also had a history of depression(but always been able to push through it and work nonstop) so I figured maybe it was that creeping up again, but there was really no reason for it since everything in life was absolutely wonderful. I also started gaining carzy amounts of wieght and put on 25lbs. So for my new years resolution I vowed to take it off I started going to the gym twice a day everyday (on top of working 10-12 hrs at the farm) switched to a vegan diet- mainly salads and lost 15lbs gradually switching to a raw vegan diet. I was still constantly getting tired and sick and taking sick days on a weekly basis. After a week of going raw I got really sick (your supposed to —detoxing) it was misdiagnosed as strep and a severe allergic reaction (face/eyes swollen shut) After a week of bed rest I was supposed to start work full time again, the night before I couldn’t sleep and had shooting/stabbing pains in my legs that would take my breath away. Went to the dr’s in the morning and although they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with my legs they did find I had mono. I was bedridden for ever and on top of it had to manage the farm and lunge horses etc… plus everyone thought I was taking advantage of being salaried, it sucks!!! I gained back all of the weight I’d worked to lose. I’ve kept to the vegan diet all I drink is water or herbal teas no coffee no caffiene, Am 80% raw. Went home for vacation for a week and only ate salad and fruit completely raw and gained 5lbs!!! How is this possible ??? I have never had a weight problem I have now resumed work at the farm although I have to take constant breaks take naps every after noon and am always tired. I eat super healthy, ride 3-5 horses a day, do a ton of barn work, plus have added the gym back in mainly weights to get muscle back for riding and am not losing any weight. I am super tired and even more tired and frustrated at being tired all of the time. I feel like people think I am fat and lazy now, I get self conscious whenever I eat and none of my clothes fit anymore, on top of it I feel like my body is falling apart- tired always. I know that its only been a few months but it feels like a life time I am going to start seeing doctors, but needed to unload it all on someone who might understand. Because I am not used to having to take naps all of the time- asking for help, relying on others. I just feel like a failure right now!
K R says
Go see an endocrinologist and have them check for thyroid disorder. There are many, but inability to lose weight (no matter what), fatigue are two symptoms of hypothyroid issues. Think, energy and vitality relate to thyroid function.
Seth says
I too have the same fatigue you all are talking about. It all started when I was diagnosed with mono 3 years ago, the fatigue never went away, after about 3-6 months the doc said I no longer had mono, yet I still had the symptoms. About a year later I was so exhausted I asked him to test me for mono again, and he said again I had mono. Im also positive for the EBV. This really sucks. Im 29 now and can barely make it through the day. I have pain in the back of my head and now my shins and feet are killing me to stand up. I usually dont feel too bad my first hour that I am awake, but after being up for an hour I want to sleep again. I noticed when I get really tired my heart races and if I try to stay awake im dizzy. I have a hard time driving also, I seem to space out really bad. One of my doc’s gave me dexadrine, and adderal. Those used to help alot with the fatigue, but seem to not work after a while, and makes me very nervous and sweat alot. So I dont use them anymore. I dont know what else to do. It is almost 2010, you’d think they’d have the technology to cure things like this. If anyone knows of anything that works, please post it!(ive tried everything I think)
Amanda says
I had mono every since i was a little girl like 8 now im 19 i been suffering from this disorder for a couple years it comes and goes but i am always tired and taking breaks from everythin im doin its so sad that i cant have a normal and engery life like everyone else everyone is always jumping around when im the one always saying that im so tried all the time im so happy to have people like me out there tha that have the same thing. i has this thing for about 12 years u can say and i dnt even knw how i will be without it i wish there was somethin that we can take for not being so tired im just so sick of it i hope they have somethin out there that will make us mre active becuz im always pushing my self to do things i mean i get so tired of cleaning my room image how i have to clean a whole house this is just not fair!!!
me says
I knowm it sucks, i had mono last year and still dont feel %100 myself. and what i hate even more is my boyfriend doesnt believe im fatigued because of mono. he says im too skinny and dont work out like i should and thats why i dont have energy. if i had the energy i had a year ago i wouldnt take it for granted, id walk my nephew around the block 6 times and then take him to an amusement park and never want to get of my feet. im sure our day will come and well feel like ourselves again. everyones case is different so dont get discouraged by what other people say.
Sarah B says
I’m so glad to find this site! So I was diagnosed with chronic mono about a year and a half ago. Slept for 20 hours everyday for about 2 months. Gained 40 pounds! I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who has gained weight. Everyone says that is weird you should loose weight with mono! What do they know. Now i cannot seem to feel okay EVER! About 3 weeks ago I had to miss 3 days of work because I would get up take a shower and needed to go back to bed. Doctor’s said it was just a viral thing. Fever of 100 for those days. Tested me for strep, but that came back negative. Said to come back if I wansn’t feeling better in a couple days. So I felt better and now I am sooooo tired again! It is this off and on thing and I CANNOT take it anymore. NO, I am not depressed! Perfectly happy!
Emily says
Finally, people who understand how I feel. I’m a senior in high school right now and I was diagnosed with chronic mono this last September. My fever and sore throat were gone after two weeks, but ever since then I’ve been so exhausted that it’s insanely hard just for me to get through the day. At first, my parents would let me sleep in late and then go to school, or go to school and come home, but after a month of scattered absences and lates they began to tell me that I was lazy and that I needed to buck up and go to school. My mom even threatened me with my college money next year, asking me what I was going to do when I had classes in the morning and accusing me of being lazy and not focused enough. It sucks, because I was such an active teenager before this sickness, heavily involved in everything in my school’s music department, and a top grade A student to boot. Since my mono I’ve had to drop Show Choir, and my grades have been slipping. I’ve been really pushing myself to try to be the energetic, happy, take-on-the-world person I was before this, but it’s so hard to get myself out of bed and out and about for more than twelve hours before I need to conk out again. My family thinks I’m being overdramatic and lazy, and my boyfriend is getting irritated by how often I just want to sit at home and do nothing, or even sleep instead of going out. Will this ever go away?!?
I.N. says
The one of mononucleosis’ complications include spinal rupture and an inflammation in the heart muscles (myocarditis), so medics often recommend to avoid sports for a least one months after the symptoms disappeared.
Raed says
Thanks for the post and the website. I was diagnosed with mono about two months ago and all the acute symptoms were out within a week except fatigue. It sucks so much i am always out of energy.
I am getting heavier ’cause i don;t get the energy to work out. I used to spend hours in the gym every single day. Now i would be lucky to last a set or two. I guess it is still early for me, but it is an easier pill to swallow knowing that tons of people had to endure this weakness for years.
I wish the best for all of us.
otilia says
Salutations to all, ;), I feel with all of your guys’ pain, but to make a very dreadful long story short of what I have went thru after getting sick about 2 yrs ago, diagnosed with thyroid, chronic fatigue, epstein barr, adrenal insuffic, you name it, on top of that severly anemic. I went to many doctors, and they either have no knowledge or refuse to treat people bec there is more money for them the sicker we get. I believe the second theory due to having that experience. You pretty much have to use the net and treat yourself. It is all curable, trust me. I did not believe any of what they told me, and it ended up I was right. It was just an imbalance in the body.
If you guys really want to cure yourself, search, read, and find on the net everything that has to do only with HOMEOPATHY.
All of our symptoms are due to vaccines, toxins, stress, wrong meds, wrong diagnoses, etc, etc,. I know if any doctors see this will not like me saying it, but all of the imbalance can be cured, not helped. Thyroid, adrenal, epstein barr, diabetes, trust me. But you have to do it all by yourself or find a very good QUALIFIED HOMEOPATH. AND, THERE ARE EVEN SOME THAT CAN HELP YOU ONLINE, JUST SEARCH AND BELIEVE. I WISH YOU ALL A GOOD AND HEALTHY JOURNEY TOWARDS RECOVERY. I AM ALMOST THERE, AND BEING A SINGLE MOM OF 3 TEENAGERS, I SURE NEEDED IT. OH BY THE WAY, THE DOCTORS I WENT TO TOLD ME, “I DONT KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH YOU AND WANTED TO PLACE ME ON DEPRESSION PILLS’
Julia says
Wow! I just cannot believe that I’m not crazy! I’m so sick and tired of my family and boyfriend telling me I’m fine or I’m depressed or I’m making my self sick! I got mono 2 years ago. I’m 20 now. I always wonder how my friends can go out and party all night till 5 in the morning and get up for work the next day. I’m always sick. Atleast every 2 months I have a sore throat. This time its really bad again though. My neck is killing me along with my head. My throat is killing me and I am so tired. I have been sick for going on a month now. I have been to the doctor twice. First they said I had strep throat (although they didn’t test me for it). I was put on a double dose of antibiotics because I was not getting better, then when I went back they still didn’t do any blood tests even though I asked them to. They said to come back in 7 to 10 days if I was still feeling bad! Who the hell wants to wait 7 to 10 more days when they have been sick for 2 years! What the hell. And everyone keeps telling to shake it off and your just deporessed and blah blah. They don’t understand. And it is very testing on relationships cause my boyfriend dnt understand. He is to the point that he just gets annoyed and roles his eyes when I say I’m not feeling well. I’m sooooo sick and tired of being so damn sick and tired. People think we like being sick and having to stay behind while everyone goes out and has fun! Uh NOOO! We just can’t help it! Well thanks for letting me vent to you all. Nice to know I’m not alone in this.
Sandy Robinson says
Hi Jewels, It is not in your head. Just tell the ones that keep telling you to “shake it off” to read my website. Please keep reading here. You will continue to realize that you are not alone.
Sierra says
Hey, just wondering.. are you still having these issues? If you feel at all better, what has helped?
Julia says
Finally! The doctors are running tests! I called them tuesday and told them someone needs to figure out what’s going on so that I can live a normal life…sometimes we gotta be pushy to get what we need! So anyway my first test is tomorrow! Can’t wait. We will know in 3-7 days so ill keep ya posted!
Sandy Robinson says
I’m glad to hear that you are going to get some help and hopefully the tests will provide some answers. Please let me know how you make out! ๐
Chris says
My boyfriend and I caught mono at 36 and 43 (in the present). What we can’t understand is why there is not enough information out there in schools, work places, etc. that informs people ENOUGH about how easy it is to catch this disease?????? SERIOUSLY it’s still running around EVERYWHERE!!
Jen Jen says
I was diagnosed with mono 2 years ago, and I have never been the same. If I exert myself like taking my dogs for a long walk, it totally exhausts me and it takes the next 2 days to get over it! I always feel tired, never rested, achey and just not well! My doctor thinks it is my weight, but I don’t think so. I have never been like this in my life, and I mentioned CFS, but he didn’t think I had that. But I have done research on my own, and I fit the criteria to a T. It is refreshing knowing that so many others feel just as I do. It is frustrating though that we can’t get any help?!! I had to quit working full time as a result of this. I was always exhausted and just couldn’t keep up. So I guess it’s all in my head?? I don’t think so. Sorry to sound so frustrated ,but I am!!!!
Taylor says
I’m so glad I stumbled upon this discussion- I’ve been going crazy. I was diagnosed in mid-July and though I don’t have the pain in my spleen or fever anymore- I cannot escape the fatigue. I feel like my husband, friends and family all think I’m just beating a dead horse when I constantly blame being tired or sick on the mono- but it is almost constant. I may have an hour or two a day where I feel almost normal, but that’s about it. I’ve also become super weak, carrying a gallon of milk is a chore and my hands shake, it’s even hard to clench my fists. I’m 24. It’s been 4 months, I just want to feel healthy and normal again!
MissyMac says
Omg I had mono when I was eight years old and the doctors could not figure out wat it was for the longest time. Even now, six years later, I have bouts where I get so fatigued that all I can do is cry and sleep. Stay strong, fellow mono-ians! And sleep well;)
brandon says
Hi, I just got diagnosed with epv and mono. The whole last year I have been getting sick every month for about a week to 2 weeks. I had a high fever always and a sore throat and my stomach would always feel like it was burning. The doctor said the stomach problems were gastritus. I could barley work or do anything when I was sick. I would start to get over the sickness then it lingered for a week afterwords. Then I would feel fine for a week or 2 and get sick again. After 6 months of this I went to the doctor and told me I had mono. And for the past month I have had have had bad headachs everyday off and on. And I have felt tired everyday and the whole day no matter how much sleep I get. So tired I can’t concentrate. Also in the past month If I do anything strenuous like climbing a latter at work or going up stairs I can barley breath and have to catch my breath. I have no motovation to do anything anymore and I cannot avoid getting sick. I feel like the mono is getting worse. Since I am getting sick more often and because of the fatigue. Do any of you have these symptoms too? How much longer could the fatigue last? I have been getting sick almost a year now. I wish u all luck with this mono. It really brings u down.
Twin Mom says
I am going on 10 months with this crippling post mono fatigue. I have twin toddlers at home and I can do the bare minimum to take care of them. The fact that I can do that is only by the grace of God. Am I the only one who also has nausea? I’ve also been sick a lot with other things now, such as strep twice and various other bugs. The med cocktail of Wellbutrin & Provigil has helped. And I notice that I do better when I juice a lot and don’t drink coffee & soda.
For the person with dysautonomia, I had that in the past. I figured out it was a food allergy. Allergies can affect the nervous system, and can come or go at any time especially with a trigger of some kind. Mine was a change in work schedule. Hope that helps.
Cassandra says
I’m really glad that I ran into this discussion… I totally thought that I was going crazy too! I was diagnosed with mono back in August right after I moved into college. I was down for a while. People had no idea who I was before I started “sucking it up” and going to class. Well… I worked myself so hard and got so little sleep that now, it’s definitely worsening and I just can’t seem to stay awake for hardly anything. I’ve lost friends over this because they don’t believe me… I’ve even gotten a death threat. People say that I’m just “fishing for sympathy” when really, I’m just getting worse because there was pretty much a party in my dorm room every night thanks to my three roommates.
I think it’s just awful how little is known about mono. So many people keep on telling me to “go get tested and get medicine” even though I’ve already been tested before and mono is a virus for which nothing can really be done. Then they tell me to just “suck it up” but I just can’t. People need to realize that this is serious.
Elaine says
Hello, I am 56. I caught mono when I was 17. I am still tired. I also have sleep apnea and have had it from childhood. I am now faithful to my CPAP routine. I have pursued the cause of my fatigue since I was 21. I was told it was all in my head… etc. It is very interesting that you all experiencing post mono tiredness.
Emsly222 says
I’m so glad I found this! I’m 15 and I had mono a year ago. And 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with it again. I’ve been out of school for 3 weeks now. My mom thinks I don’t want to go to school. Which isn’t the case at all. I just don’t have the energy I had before. I used to be the life of the party, now I’m “boring”. I’m so sick of people thinking I’m lazy and weak and that I don’t want to play sports, go to school, etc. I’m glad I’m not crazy! Mom keeps saying it’s depressiona, but she never had mono. Some people at my school had it and was over it in less than a week, so she expects me to do the same. I also have had trouble with doctors. They think it’s all in my head when it’s clearly not. Well I will stop complaining now! Lol
Praying for you all! <3
Tamara Eden says
My daughter first had mono at 9 and it is recurrent. She gets it about three times a year and one if the symptoms is depression. She feels weak and tired and exhausted and weepy and doesn’t want to go to school. This is not the same as depression that many people have, it is a symptom of the EBV and its effect on the nervous system. She is 12 now and is currently battling another bout of it which is frustrating because she is a volleyball player and normally a very energetic kid. I’m worried that this will cause problems for her all her life, so I am now researching ways to strengthen her immune system so that it is strong enough to fight the virus when it begins to recur (she gets it when she is busy with school and sports and is over-doing things). Anyway, know that you are not lazy or truly depressed, it’s the virus taking its toll on your body. Some people can get it and bounce back quickly and other people have “compromised immune systems” an it because chronic or recurrent for them. It’s very frustrating! Hang in there!