Norepinephrine: What Does (or Doesn’t) It Do For You?
When you hear about neurotransmitters involved in fibromyalgia (FMS) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or ME/CFS), serotonin usually gets all the attention. When you talk about stress response, the focus is generally on cortisol.
The Face of Chronic Fatigue
Imagine a disease that leaves young, healthy, active individuals with symptoms of pain, and fatigue so crippling they often can barely get out of bed – but who otherwise APPEAR perfectly healthy. The disease is called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and it’s estimated to affect as many as 4 million Americans. Ideastream health reporter Gretchen Cuda profiles a Lakewood woman who has struggled with the disease – and the stigma for more than 20 years.
Health Tip: Living With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome is an illness of unknown cause that can make a person feel excessively tired for prolonged periods. While there is no cure, medication and lifestyle changes can help keep symptoms under control. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers these suggestions.
Heavy Metal Poisoning Due to Fillings
Recently my health has taken a turn for the worst. I feel tired everyday, my joints ache, and I can’t sleep. I began to have a strange symptom of having a metal taste in my mouth, usually when I ate or drank something. I searched and discovered that this is a symptom of heavy metal poisoning. But where could I have been exposed to a heavy metal? Perhaps it is related to the countless mercury fillings in my mouth.
Dahloan Hembree/Associated Content
Hot Spot: Lyme Disease in Duxbury
As soon as she woke up, Sue Coombs knew something was wrong. I couldn’t put my left leg down. There was so much pain in my knee, I couldn’t walk.” The date was June 23, 2006. Doctors couldn’t give the Standish Shore resident a clear diagnosis –– she was told she might have everything from Lupus to Fibromyalgia to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. When Lyme disease was suggested, Coombs’ primary care doctor was skeptical because she didn’t have the telltale signs –– a bull’s-eye shaped rash, with a red dot the bite site. An early blood test also turned up negative.
chronic chick says
I was checked for lyme disease way back when. it seems with fibro they check everything and don’t like to diagnosis.