It’s heading into the cold and flu season and once again we have to determine whether or not it is safe for us with CFS & FM to get a flue shot.
There have been differing opinions over the years as to whether those of us with CFS and Fibromyalgia should get a flu shot. I have read some opinions saying that because we are so susceptible to getting sick that we should. Then I have also read that because we have weak immune systems we should not because we would most likely develop the flu after getting the shot. Because it takes our bodies longer to recover and any sickness can lead into a flare, it is not recommended.
The Chronic Pain Connection website spoke to some doctors asking them their thoughts. Here is what two physicians had to say. The quotes are taken from the article, Flu Shots Pros and Cons:
Because of reports of severe relapses following immunization, Charles Lapp, MD, Director of the Hunter-Hopkins Center in Charlotte, NC, generally does not recommend flu shots for his fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome patients. There are, however, two exceptions:
Patients who have taken flu vaccinations in the past and tolerated them well.
Patients who have a serious chronic illness (such as emphysema, diabetes or heart disease) in addition to FM or ME/CFS.
Charles Shepherd, MD, a U.K. doctor who is a member of the Chief Medical Officers Working Group on CFS/ME at the U.K. Department of Health, agrees with Dr. Lapp. He has found that a substantial percentage of his ME/CFS patients have mild-to-moderate relapses after receiving flu vaccinations. On the other hand, some doctors feel the benefits outweigh the risks because the effects of the flu on FM and ME/CFS patients can be severe and long lasting.
You have to determine for your own health’s sake, and with the advice of your doctor, whether or not you feel you will benefit or not from getting a flu shot. Are you mostly homebound with limited exposure to other people? Or do you have school-aged children who bring home tons of germs daily? Talk to your doctor and find out from them what they recommend.
Mad goat lady says
I have mine religiously every year, I have never had any bad side effects and touch wood never a really bad bout of the flu either.
Also my son who has severe eczema ( and I mean severe all over his body) and is on extremely high does of immunosuppresive medication has it with no side effects..:)
Christina says
No one who desires to remain healthy should be vaccinated. The CDC has clearly stated that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”. There are specific warnings for those with impaired immune systems, they should never be vaccinated! Vaccines contain toxic adjuvants that are put in them to lower your immunity – ability to fight infection. The medical purpose for this is so that your body will create more antibodies to the virus in the vaccine, in theory the vaccine would not be as effective without them! This is the primary reason people often complain of getting” flu” after being vaccinated, but it is not the virus they were vaccinated against making them sick, it’s another one of the endless number of viruses out there that is taking advantage of their impaired immune system!
I’m an RN I got the flu that never went away , myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) on December 24, 2009 . I had been vaccinated my entire nursing career and had just received the routine flu vaccine along with the H1N1 vaccine about six weeks prior to getting the worst flu of my life. I was ignorant about the risks of vaccinations and had been complaining to my ignorant doctors about how I was getting a terrible 4-6 week long flu every winter and then again in the spring, despite vaccinations (of course, then I didn’t realize the vaccinations were the root cause of it all) and I was suddenly developing asthma at the age of 50!This had gone on for about 3-4 years before I was struck down by ME! If I’d known what I know now I would’ve realized that my immune system was being destroyed. Sadly a large number of nurses in California where vaccinations are mandatory are falling victim to ME! At my last doctors appointment the doctor said he had a brand-new graduate nursing student just starting work who has come down with ME! I literally cried right there in his office, another life stolen by this rotten, covered up Disease! I Was so brainwashed by big Pharma, in my role as an RN, that I foolishly took the flu vaccine again the next winter after developing ME and I crashed so badly I was unable to get out of bed for an entire year! I remain homebound with about 80% of my time in the recliner or bed, I can tolerate sound and light better now, but still have terrible brain fog. At the onset I couldn’t read, do math or even follow a simple movie because it was so severe!
I recommend the book “Plague” for anyone who wants to understand more about what’s really going on in the vaccine industry! I personally strongly advise against vaccines of any kind and my grandchildren are all healthy and unvaccinated! I’m not anti-vaccine, I’m pro safe- vaccines and right now there are no safe vaccines!
Christina says
Do you realize eczema is a one of the many unintended sequela caused by vaccines? The CDC has clearly warned us all that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”. I am so sorry for your child!
Connie says
I really wouldn’t say that you should make the decision on your own about the flu shot. You need to have your doctor’s opinion. As Mad Goat Lady mentioned those of us on immunosuppressants sometimes have to have the shot to avoid the flu which can make us terribly sick.
Great post with very important and up to date information. Thank goodness there’s no shortage this year!
sandy says
Hi Connie, Of course you should ask your doctor first. I worded that wrong and I will rephrase that. It does depend on each person’s own situation.