You guessed it! ME!!!! I told my husband tonight I didn’t need a full-time job, because I had one – being sick. It seems like my life is revolved around sickness – either my own or someone in the family.
I wasn’t feeling well last night – the good ole’ diarrhea again – but I just thought that it was my IBS acting up. Then this afternoon, I was still having it so I figured I was getting sick. I was having cold chills, then hot, sweating flashes. THEN I get a call from my son’s daycare – “Could you please come and pick up Logan? The poor boy is running a temperature of 102 and he didn’t eat his lunch. We knew he wasn’t feeling good when he wouldn’t eat.” They know my son all too well! So off to pick him up I went and I took him to the store to buy him jello and some Tylenol to bring down his fever.
He seems to be feeling somewhat better now, but I’m still sick. I keep feeling like I have to throw up. I guess something is going around…again.
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