“I will never forget the month and year I came down with an illness of unknown origin. The month was January, the year was 1990. I lived in Los Angeles, California. My life was never the same after that. What caused my sickness? Perhaps it was an environmental toxin.”
You can read the rest of this story by clicking on the link below:
How I Survived Chronic Illness One Womans Story of Resilience
The author, Pat Gurnick, is a Certified Lifestyle Counselor and Psychotherapist in Boulder, Colorado. She specializes in CFS, Fibromyalgia and MCS patient education. After years of debilitation from her illnesses, Pat has rebuilt her health and strength due to her relentless determination and pursuit in contacting specialists and learning everything she could about her illnesses. Her story is a true story of survival and hopefully it will help others.
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