2000 Denise Van Patten – http://collectdolls.about.com
Do you ever have those days where you find yourself constantly thinking, “If only I had listened to my body”. “If only I had listened to the doctors, my family, my husband, and my friends I wouldn’t be in the shape I’m in now”.
I had one of those days today. I know it doesn’t do any good to dwell on the past and I try not to. I just can’t help but think how dumb I was. Why was it so important to me to try to prove to everyone that I was this “Super Woman”?
Even when I received the call at work all those years ago from the doctor’s office saying, “You need to get home right now and get in bed and stay there for the next few weeks because you have mono” I didn’t listen. I went to my boss, told him what the doctor said, but then I went right back to working out the remainder of my shift.
If I would have listened and taken better care of myself back then, where would I be now? My life would probably be a lot easier. But I can’t go back and change things. I can only learn from my mistakes and hope for a better future.
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