- UroToday:
Special Report: From the ESSIC Meeting in Göteborg, Sweden – June 3-6, 2009
The meeting of the European Society for the Study of Interstitial Cystitis (ESSIC) was held this year in Göteborg, Sweden. It was well-attended with members and guests from the United States, Europe, Russia, and India. Interesting research abstracts, a special session on Hunner’s lesions, and invited lectures on a variety of topics comprised the stimulating agenda put together by Jorgen Nördling and the ESSIC Board of Directors and host Magnus Fall. Some of the highlights of this meeting follow.
Interstitial cystitis is a syndrome characterized by pelvic pain, urinary urgency/frequency, nocturia, and dyspareunia, with no other identifiable etiology. The clinical presentation of interstitial cystitis is similar to that of many other conditions commonly seen in female patients, including recurrent urinary tract infections, endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain, vulvodynia, and overactive bladder.
World Continence Week – June 22 – 28, 2009 – Call for Support
The Continence Promotion Committee (CPC) of the International Continence Society is observing the first World Continence Week from June 22nd through 28th. In the United States, members of the CPC and other organizations, including the Chicago Metro SUNA Chapter, will be holding a celebration in Chicago to mark the event. The celebration will focus on patient education and public awareness.
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Women – Abstract
To summarize recent population-based literature on the prevalence and consequences of urinary incontinence and overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms in women and describe our present knowledge regarding known risk factors. The prevalence of urinary incontinence in women ranged from 5 to 69%, with most studies reporting a prevalence of any urinary incontinence in the range of 25-45%.
- Interstitial Cystitis Network:
“Urgency” is the cornerstone of the diagnosis of overactive bladder (OAB) as well as a common complaint of patients with BPS/IC. What the term actually refers to when used by patients remains problematic and the subject of some controversy. The International Continence Society defines it as a “sudden compelling desire to void that is difficult to defer”. The word sudden is designed to differentiate the sensation from the “urgency” that patients with BPS/IC complain of, but the distinction is quite vague in practice. Many believe that it is the reason for the urgency (fear of incontinence vs. pain) that should make the distinction.
After a year of prep work, we’ve finally launched a new series of ICN Videos featuring self-help tips, diet strategies, an orientation for newly diagnosed patients and more. The first few segments are below but we’d like to ask you what subjects you would like to see covered in future videos.
Self-Help Tip of the Month – Should Your Comfort Should Be A Priority In Your Care?
If you spend much time with older IC patients who were diagnosed with interstitial cystitis in 60’s, 70’s or 80’s, you’ll often hear scary stories about the “old” bladder therapies. Back then, infection was still considered the likely cause of IC thus treatments were often harsh, antiseptic and/or caustic to the bladder, particularly silver nitrate and Clorpactin. These therapies were considered so painful that they were usually done under general anesthesia and, even so, patients reported severe discomfort afterwards. Luckily, these therapies are now rarely used for IC because we have much newer treatments available, such as a rescue instillation.
Consumer Alert – UTI Antibiotic Nitrofurantoin Recalled
Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals Inc. (RPI) announced May 1st that it is conducting a voluntary recall of all lots of Nitrofurantoin (Monohydrate/Macrocrystals) Capsules, USP 100 mg currently on the market in the U.S. The recall is being conducted in coordination with the FDA and will be a retail level recall.
His signature in our support forum says it all. “Husband of a wonderful woman who struggles with IC.” ICN user CGOHEEN also rocks when it comes to cooking and adapting recipes to make them more IC friendly. We have included two of his submissions below but you’ll also find recipes for smoked ribs and cheesy potato soup in the ICN Support Forum.
New IC Support Groups & Support Opportunities
Can you imagine how great it would feel to walk into a room filled with others who understand exactly what you’re going through?? Having IC is difficult at times and doing it alone is unnecessary. Why recreate the wheel and try to figure this out on your own when there are dozens of independent IC groups around the country who are waiting to help you!
The IC Network always has lots of great products for sale to help patients deal with their IC better. Check out the link above to see what’s new and what is currently available from the IC Network.
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