A reader of this blog sent me an email yesterday and she gave me permission to post it on here. It is amazing how many of our stories are so similar. I am glad that I was able to help her in some way!
I read your article “Living with Interstitial Cystitis” with a mixture of fear and relief. I found it quite amazing that I too, had a stress test which resulted in an Angiogram and a clear bill of “artery” health – but symptoms like you describe started manifesting. The gynaecologist could not explain my bleeding from the vagina and I have searched the internet trying to find reasons for this bleeding since I had a hysterectomy 11 years ago. I have this pain high up in my vagina as well and frequent urination.
I have just started a course of antibiotics prescribed for me by my physician, but I don’t think he was listening to me when I told him about the bleeding.
Thank you for your article. I am not a doctor and I know that self diagnosis is not the best, but at least I can make an appointment
(probably with a fight – thanks for the tip) tomorrow with a urologist and go to it armed with some info.
Thanks again for taking the trouble to post your article.
Fighting Fatigue says
This is what I don’t get – BLEEDING SHOULD BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY, yet different times in my own experience with doctors and from talking with others it seems as though they just brush this off. It is not normal to bleed from the vagina outside of the menstrual cycle. Why is this just brushed over by physicians?