I am calling the doctor tomorrow morning to see if I can get in to see someone ASAP. I am a little concerned. Last week, I noticed a mole on my leg that was itching like crazy. It looks bigger than I remember and now it looks kind of crusty.
Then for the past two days, I have a mole on my upper arm that has been itching like crazy too. It has like this black dot, where the mole is, then underneath it there is this larger, light brown patch that is an odd shape. Now today it looks crusty too and the area around it looks swollen.
I have so many moles all over my body it isn’t even funny – probably at least 200 – no kidding. I also have tons of sun freckles that I have noticed look larger than what they previously did. I told my husband and of course, he is worried and wants me to call the doctor right away.
I have had quite a few severe sunburns over the years and I have never been very good at wearing sunscreen on a regular basis.
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