How is this possible? Laughter will do the following for your body:
- Relieve stress
- Boosts immune system
- Lowers blood pressure
- Have an overall sense of better wellbeing
- Makes the heart stronger
Laughter can also ease pain, so laugh away! Laughing releases endorphins, which are a natural pain killing drug into your system. Endorphins are a body’s natural “morphine”. Laughter can also be a good form of exercise, as it gives the internal organs a good workout, releases the bad air from your lungs, and brings oxygen into your body.
Of course, laughter is good for your mental health. The ability to laugh helps to cope in the difficult times that we experience.
“Humor isn’t about changing what happens. It’s about changing our reaction to what happens. And those who use humor as a coping strategy are generally more resilient and adaptable when faced with change. Dr. David Posen
I found this really great site, George Gilbert’s Motivational Humor, that talks a lot about the effects of laughter, dealing with chronic illness through laughter, and offers motivational support. I thought sharing information like above from his blog would be very fitting for this one!
George talks about humor in the tough times and this is what he says:
“When someone is going through a serious illness or highly stressful situation it is important to remember that they might be able to handle the big challenges, but seem to fall apart with some small insignificant thing. We work so hard coping with an illness or something catastrophic that when someone says something that would normally not bother us we get very upset.”
How true is that? I know I can think back to many, many times where I have broken down over something that was very insignificant, yet daily coping with the huge strain of chronic illness.
Please check out his site! I think you will find lots of useful information there!
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