Interstitial Cystitis is a very painful, debilitating chronic illness that unfortunately, there is no cure and the cause cannot be found as of this time. I believe that Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, and IC Disease are all manifestations of the same illness. Affecting some of us with all three, while others may be only affected with 1 or 2 of these illnesses.
My urologist and I believe I have always had IC disease, but I was diagnosed a little over 2 years ago. I was sent to have a stress test for my heart and after the stress test, my symptoms became severe. I could not hardly walk, the pain and pressure in my lower abdomen and pelvic region were so severe, I would be doubled over much of the time, I had to ride in the electric carts at the grocery store, I would urinate up to 60 times a day, the pain was totally unbearable and no amount of pain medication would relieve the pain, I was also bleeding daily from my vagina.
I was in really bad shape and the urologist’s office, no matter how much I called and begged, would not squeeze me in any earlier than my scheduled visit, which was almost 2 months away.