- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
CDC Says CFS can Co-exist with Hypothyroidism
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control, a Department of Health and Human Services, has stated in their more recently updated information in regard to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) that it can potentially coexist with hypothyroidism. More specifically, they state that symptoms of CFS and hypothyroidism are similar and that when low thyroid hormone has been treated sufficiently, a diagnosis of CFS may still be included if the chronic (severe and ongoing) fatigue and other symptoms persist.
Life slows to a halt for those with debilitating weakness
Kelley Mooneyham spends 90 percent of her life in her king-size bed. At night, she sleeps on the side closer to the door. During the day, she lies on the opposite side, next to a large window that allows the afternoon sun to hit her face.
Conditions That Cause Mild Adrenal Insufficiency
Adrenal insufficiency is a condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones to aid in regulating the body’s metabolism, stress coping, controlling inflammation and sexual functioning. The main adrenal hormone that becomes low with this condition is “cortisol,” and when low levels are detected in a person, it is sometimes referred to as “hypocortisolemia”. Full blown adrenal insufficiency is referred to as “Addison’s Disease.”
- Fibromyalgia:
New Drug Offers Fibromyalgia Patients Hope
Millions of Americans suffer from fibromyalgia, an illness that often leaves patients unable to function because of intense pain. Despite the severity of this condition, there are limited treatments available. Sufferers are often misdiagnosed because there is no obvious cause for the pain. But a new drug, Savella, recently approved by the FDA, is offering patients new hope.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome:
IBS Drug Study
If you frequently experience abdominal discomfort, bloating and diarrhea, you may be suffering from a condition called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Medical College of Wisconsin researchers at Froedtert Hospital are looking for men and women currently experiencing symptoms associated with IBS to participate in a national clinical research study evaluating the safety and efficacy of an investigational medication.
Prometheus Receives New York State Approval for PROMETHEUS(R) IBS Diagnostic, First Blood Test for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Prometheus Laboratories Inc., a specialty pharmaceutical and diagnostic company, announced today that it has received New York State approval for PROMETHEUS(R) IBS Diagnostic, the first and only blood test for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This novel test incorporates 10 biomarkers, two of which are proprietary, along with a proprietary algorithm to help physicians diagnose patients with IBS.
It All Begins With A Polyp…
Most colon cancer begins with growths inside the colon. These growths, called polyps, most often appear when a person is between 40 and 50 years old, but in some people they can show up earlier.
Lose That Spare Tire and Lower Your Colon Cancer Risk
There are many risk factors for colon cancer, and some of them (like having IBD) you can’t do anything about. But did you know that carrying weight in a particular area of your body can put you at higher risk for colorectal cancer?
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