Fibromyalgia/CFS Support Group
Loudoun County has a new day time Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Support Group. The meetings are monthly. We invite you to attend our next meeting August 14th from 1:00-2:30 PM at The Cascades Library Conference Room B.
Get a Deep Insight Into the Commercial and Pipeline Insight: Fibromyalgia – Approvals Legitimize Condition and Expose Underserved Patient Population
With a considerable patient potential and large medical unmet need, the untapped fibromyalgia market represents a lucrative opportunity for pharmaceutical companies. Estimated to total around $650m in 2007 in the seven major markets, Datamonitor forecasts the market to grow to over $2.4 billion in 2017.
Reflexogy & CFS
Reflexology is a form of alternative medicine that is very similar to acupressure therapy as it coordinates major organs of the body with specific pressure points on an individuals feet as well as hands. This is a form of ancient medicine that got its start in Greek culture. The Greeks referred to the reflexology at that time as pressure treatment.
Fibromyalgia Cause – How to Determine Fibromyalgia Cause
So what causes fibromyalgia? The truth is, the real reason is still unknown. There are a number of possible theories that have been touted but fibromyalgia continues to confound medical experts and has virtually been named the mystery condition.
Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation
Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) is a treatment for brain disorders I have not heard of, but apparently it has been in use for quite some time. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation is also known as electrosleep therapy, cranial-electro stimulation, neuroelectric therapy and transcranial electrotherapy.
Fibromyalgia: Unreal or Misunderstood?
The story – Living in pain – simply does not discuss the experience of Carolyn Bishop but reflects the suffering of entire humanity from fibromyalgia. Carolyn says in her article, “When the nurse told me that I had fibromyalgia, I started crying. Finally someone was taking me seriously. Lyrica isnt a miracle drug, but as soon as I started taking it, I began to feel better. When my daughter too was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, she started taking Lyrica as well as a number of other drugs and supplements. I do not worry about her being on some of these drugs at such a young age Best of all, she wont have to spend decades in pain wondering whats wrong.”
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