Herbal Relief for Chronic Fatigue (CFS) and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is an insidious and debilitating disease and although a great deal of research has gone into it the exact causes are still unknown. It appears however that the condition can be triggered from a previous viral infection and is related to arthritic conditions although it primarily affects the muscles rather than the bones.
Walter Mitty/Associated Content
Inside Look At Chronic Fatigue
As a high-school sprinter who competed at the provincial level and was a top student with scholarships to attend university, Russell Jasper had big plans for the future. And then, in May of Grade 12, Jasper contracted the mononucleosis virus.
Linking Fibromyalgia to the Brain
Fibromyalgia patients may finally have some answers as to what causes their disease. Researchers in France used single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to detect functional abnormalities in certain regions in the brains of patients with fibromyalgia. This reinforces the idea that symptoms of the disorder are related to a dysfunction in the areas of the brain where pain is processed.
Ivanhoe’s Medical Breakthroughs
Fibromyalgia Symptoms Linked to Brain Abnormalities
Patients with fibromyalgia may have perfusion abnormalities in the brain associated with pain processing, according to the results of a small study published in the November issue of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine.
Fibromyalgia a Real Disease, Study Shows
A new brain scan study concludes that fibromyalgia is related to abnormalities of blood flow in the brain. “Fibromyalgia may be related to a global dysfunction of cerebral pain-processing,” study author Eric Guedj, MD, of Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de la Timone, in Marseille, France, says in a news release. “This study demonstrates that these patients exhibit modifications of brain perfusion not found in healthy subjects and reinforces the idea that fibromyalgia is a ‘real disease/disorder.'”
What Is Interstitial Cystitis?
Interstitial Cystitis is an ongoing inflammation of the bladder wall. Physicians generally rule out other possibilities before diagnosing a patient with the rare disease. Many research facilities are diligently working to identify the causes of Interstitial Cystitis.
UI Department Gets Largest Ever Grant
University of Iowa researchers are ready to find the causes of interstitial cystitis, thanks to a five-year, $4.8 million grant from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health. The grant is the largest ever received by the UI Department of Urology.
A sigh of relief for pepperoni pizza sufferers
Scientists have identified the reason behind pelvic pain, which is caused among women after they have a piece of pepperoni pizza. And the culprit is irritated colon.
RN Suffering From Incurable Disease Fails To Keep Up With Medical Expenses Even Though She’s Insured
“After being an emergency room nurse for 17 years, I became too ill to work,” said Jan Stephens, an RN from Anaheim, Calif. “It all started out manageable enough. In 1992, I enrolled in a Blue Cross policy with a monthly premium of $282, a $500 annual deductible, and a $250 prescription drug deductible.
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