The Language of Fibromyalgia
I have been thinking a lot lately about language, and about how our thoughts and words influence our beliefs and actions. If I say “I am in a lot of pain today,” does that influence the way I deal with my pain that day? I think it does. Pain is not a static mass. Sit quietly and pay close attention to your pain. It moves, it fluctuates, it varies. Now if I state to myself or out loud that I am in a lot of pain, I may not allow myself the awareness to focus on and appreciate the moments when the pain is less.
The first ever fibromyalgia conference with a pamper weekend in the SE of England, Bracklesham Bay, last weekend (April 23/26 2010) kept it promises as a memorable weekend with eminent speakers, workshops, a range of therapies and some great evening entertainment. So successful was the event that a reunion date for the next event was fixed on the spot for another conference in 2011 on April 8/11. With this first event a sell out, bookings will be accepted on first come first booked.
Effects of Lifestyle Physical Activity on Perceived Symptoms and Physical Function in Adults with Fibromyalgia: Results of a Randomized Trial
Although exercise is therapeutic for adults with fibromyalgia (FM), its symptoms often create obstacles that discourage exercise. We evaluated the effects of accumulating at least 30 minutes of self-selected lifestyle physical activity (LPA) on perceived physical function, pain, fatigue, body mass index, depression, tenderness, and the six-minute walk test in adults with FM.
Dark Chocolate for Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Are you sick of healthy foods that don’t taste good? Then try a little dark chocolate! Dark chocolate has numerous health benefits, and some of them could specifically benefit those of us with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Getting People to Understand Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
It’s a sad truth — one of the hardest things about having chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or ME/CFS) is getting people to understand it. Once they hear the name, most folks think they know exactly what it is: “Oh, you’re tired a lot. Yeah, so am I.” One of the most telling things I’ve ever heard about the severity of this illness came from Dr. Nancy Klimas, one of our leading researchers, who treats both ME/CFS and HIV/AIDS. She says that, with the current state of treatment, she herself would rather have HIV than ME/CFS.
How Fibromyalgia Affects Men
Randy Wold, 58, was an auto mechanic, an excellent golfer, and a bowler who never scored below 200. Then, nearly 10 years ago, when he was suffering from intense chronic pain, he received a surprise diagnosis. His doctor told him he had fibromyalgia. A neurological disorder that causes chronic pain and fatigue, fibromyalgia strikes mostly women. Of the estimated 5 million adults with fibromyalgia in the U.S., as few as 10% are men. For that reason, the popular perception of it as a women’s disease has persisted, even among fellow patients.
Factors associated with temporary work disability in patients with fibromyalgia
Temporary work disability (TWD) is more common in patients with fibromyalgia (FM) than among the rest of the workers. To describe the differences between patients who take sick leave (TWD group) and those who continue to work regularly (control group). To determine what factors are associated with TWD. Multicentre, cross-sectional study with a cohort of patients with FM seen in rheumatology clinics throughout Spain. The following information was recorded: demographic data, clinical manifestations, comorbidities, health self-perception, emotional issues, functional capacity, physical function tests, utilization of healthcare resources, TWD during the past 12 months, and quitting paid employment due to the disease.
Mayo Clinic: Comprehensive Approach Can Break The Chronic Pain Cycle
Chronic pain — whether from headaches, back pain or conditions such as fibromyalgia — can interfere with work, day-to-day activities and relationships. All too often, pain relief treatments are ineffective and can lead to a downward spiral of frustration, decreased functioning, stress, isolation — and worsening pain. The May issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter covers comprehensive pain rehabilitation and how this approach can help patients break the cycle of worsening pain.
jeanne hambleton says
A great site – lots of interesting news. Thanks Sandy for the mention of the Win Win Fibromyalgia Conference & Pamper Weekend on south coast of UK. We are now booking the remaining vacancies for the Spring conference in April 8/11 2011 with 2 American FM specialists at the cut edge of research giving presentations – Dr Patrick Wood and Dr. Andrew Holman – as two of our 12 top speakers. This will be another memorable weekend- £140 per person 4 days 3 nights only double bookings left – full board, conference, workshops, pampering and much more. Why not join us? Email me at for more information.