“Small heart syndrome,” previously referred to as so-called “neurocirculatory asthenia” associated with a small heart shadow on the chest roentgenogram, is characterized by weakness or fatigue even after mild exertion, palpitation, dyspnea, and fainting, many of which resemble symptoms in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Examination of anticardiolipin antibodies (ACAs) in the sera of patients clinically diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) using an enzyme-linked immunoassay procedure demonstrated the presence of immunoglobulin M isotypes in 95% of CFS serum samples tested.
Adjuvant use of nutritional and herbal medicines has potential to increase the efficacy of synthetic pharmaceuticals, and perhaps also decrease their side-effects by allowing lower doses to be prescribed. We evaluated current evidence for adjuvant use of nutritional and herbal medicines with antidepressants, mood stabilizers and benzodiazepines; and explored novel future areas of research. The paper also critiques current evidence for co-administration of St. John’s wort with synthetic antidepressants.
Limited sunlight exposure depresses cognitive function as well as mood
A lack of sunlight is associated with reduced cognitive function among depressed people. A free access report published Jul 28 in Environmental Health(1) explains how US researchers used weather data from NASA satellites to measure sunlight exposure across the country, and linked this information to the prevalence of cognitive impairment in depressed people.
A role for corticotropin-releasing factor in functional gastrointestinal disorders
Functional gastrointestinal disorders, which include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), encompass a heterogeneous group of diseases identified by chronic or recurrent symptom-based diagnostic criteria.
Effect of grape seed extract on blood pressure in subjects with the metabolic syndrome
This study was undertaken to determine whether grape seed extracts (GSE) that contain powerful vasodilator phenolic compounds lower blood pressure in subjects with the metabolic syndrome. [Vasodilators widen blood vessels by relaxing the smooth muscle cells in vessel walls.]
Transfusion-transmitted Babesia microti identified through hemovigilance
Background: Babesia microti, the primary cause of human babesiosis in the United States, is an intraerythrocytic parasite [infecting red blood cells] endemic to the Northeast and upper Midwest. Published studies indicate that B. microti increasingly poses a blood safety risk. The American Red Cross Hemovigilance Program herein describes the donor and recipient characteristics of suspected transfusion-transmitted B. microti cases reported between 2005 and 2007.
Identified aetiological factors for chronic widespread pain (CWP) are largely related to emotional and behavioral factors, but current management leads to modest improvement in symptoms. Vitamin D deficiency has been suggested as a new modifiable risk factor for CWP.
The Mind Relaxer says
People with limited sunlight exposure really needs to adjust and stop wearing sunglasses especially early in the morning. Very informative.