Rich Carson, the founder of ProHealth and Immunesupport, believes that mercury poisoning can play a major role in CFIDS. Rich Carson was nearly disabled by CFIDS for 15 years before learning of his mercury poisoning. He said that in high school, he had spilled nearly 1,000 grams of mercury in his car which he believes led to his mercury poisoning and failed health.
Rich says, “A few things you should know about mercury: It is ubiquitous, and is commonly found in seafood, in most dental fillings (amalgams), and even in the environment. Plus, once absorbed into the body as solid or vapor, mercury has a half life of about 35 years meaning that it takes the average person’s body 35 years to remove half of the mercury load it had at the time of exposure. That’s a long time to have a potentially lethal neurotoxin poisoning your body.
Much of the mercury that leaves the cells will ultimately be redistributed into other cells throughout the body, primarily to kidney and brain cells. The DMPS test made me quite sick for at least a month something I attribute to the redistribution of mercury and not to the actual drug. I concluded that DMPS would be too radical an approach to use in the initial stages of my mercury protocol.
I immersed myself in mercury toxicity and detoxification research after finding that I had mercury poisoning. I spoke with dentists, pathologists, toxicologists, and the director of the lab that tested my mercury levels, Great Smokey Labs. I also talked with Andrew Hall Cutler, author of Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment and learned a lot from him. I wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Cutler’s book Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment: What You Can Do to Get Better, How Your Doctor Can Help.”
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