I was just at the massage therapist two weeks ago but I have another appointment already for tomorrow. I usually have headaches every single day but lately the pain medication isn’t helping them and I am getting sick migraines again. I go through spells with these and they often end up with me going to the ER because the pain gets so bad.
I can tell that my neck and upper back are tight and I think that is why I’m having the bad headaches now. When I called to schedule my appointment with the massage therapist, I told her I only wanted her to concentrate on my head, neck and upper back so hopefully with her focusing the entire session on those areas I will get some relief. My insomnia is also back and I have only been getting about three hours of sleep. This really worries me now that I am working again.
Hopefully my session tomorrow will alleviate my headaches enough that they are manageable.
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