I have always been a very motivated person so when I had to go on disability it was a major ego blow for me. I always loved working and ever since I had to give up working completely I have felt like a part of me is missing. I have enjoyed being home with my son but I need time with other adults and I need to be out there doing something.
My son goes back to school next month and I plan to get a part-time job, no more than 12 hours a week. I know that I cannot physically handle working anymore than that at this point and that’s okay. I plan to apply for seasonal work at our local mall that’s only about five minutes from my house so I will only be obligated at first to work through the end of the year. If things work out and the employer likes me, then I will probably stay on.
Many people on disability think that they can’t work at all or ever again. That’s notthe case.The Social Security office told me that as long as you don’t make more thana certain amount permonth (I believe the limit is $940 per month according to this site) you can work and stillcollect your disability payments.
I know some people on disability whothink that if you go out to work, even if only for afew hours a week, that SSA will come in and stop your payments. That’s not the case according to what the government told me.
I don’t know how long or if I will be able to maintainthe job with my ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Interstitial Cystitis but I am willing to give it a shot. To me it is worth it to try and to try and get back out there and feel a little better about myself.
I will have my job interview scheduled next week so I will update whenI find out for sure what’s happening. Wish me luck!
I would love to hear from other disabled people who have attempted to go back to work afew hours a week. How did it go for you? Were you able to keep your job?
Viviana Walters says
Hello Sandy,
I will be praying for you and cheering you on as you go for your interview and start the new job! Just a few tips:
1). PACE
2). PACE
3). PACE
4). Honestly, take it slow and do NOT push yourself, even if you feel like you can handle it.
Trust me, been there…done that:)
God Bless and sending soft hugs:)
Fighting Fatigue/Sandy says
Hi Viv, Thanks for the prayers and the tips!
deb says
hi sandy,
i am on disability. i have lupus. i would love to here how your doing and how you made out with attempting to return to work.
i would like to work p/t but dont know if it would affect my disabilty payments but more importantly dont know who would hire me knowing that i cant be dependable or would accept the fact that i may not feel well at work and have to go home.
best wishes,
deb : )
Sandy Robinson says
Hi Deb, Thanks for stopping by! So far I have put in a few applications but I haven’t heard anything back. I haven’t been trying too hard yet because I am trying to get my sleeping issues under control. There isn’t any use in me trying to get a job when I’m having severe insomnia problems.
I worry too about not being reliable but I figure if I only work a few hours a week I can tolerate that (hopefully!).