I have recently noticed something new affecting me and my health. I have always been somewhat sensitive to loud noise, but lately I have started having panic attacks when I’m confined to a smaller area and there is a lot of noise, especially kids being around. I have had two very scary experiences over the past month that have left me wondering if I’m going crazy.
A few weeks ago we were at my mom’s house for my sister’s birthday and my parents have a very small house. My brother was there with his three little ones and my son was there. My sister’s son is grown. We were there maybe an hour and I had to leave. My nephew is very loud and he tends to be a screamer even when playing. I thought I was going to lose control.
Then last week we had company and the couple brought their two kids along. They played with my son in his room while my husband and the gentleman talked and his wife talked to me. I started to feel another panic attack coming on. I couldn’t tolerate all of the noise, all of the talking, etc. I couldn’t even tell you what was being said. I was gripping so hard onto my chair to keep from running out of the room. I have never been able to tolerate a lot of kids being around – it’s just not my thing, but this is worse. I kept looking at my husband trying to get his attention to look at me so that I could give him a signal that something was wrong, but he was too busy talking.
By the time they finally left, I was so miserable. I was shaking, almost in tears, breathing hard and miserable – completely exhausted. I’m afraid to even have my husband’s granddaughters here for an Easter egg hunt next weekend because of this.
My sleeping has really been off. I was awake until after 5 a.m. Sunday morning before I finally drifted off to sleep. My menstrual cycles are off too. I used to be so regular it was scary. I would typically always get my period at the same day of the month and even at about the same time. But now for the past several months my cycle has been off. I will either get my period every three weeks, or every five weeks. It will last either 4 -5 days or 8 days. It will either be extremely heavy, or extremely light. There is no normalcy anymore it seems.
My husband wants me to see the doctor because I have been treated for PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) but these panic attacks are new. It is not anything I ever experienced before.
I am hoping that by writing this post someone with a similar situation will be able to share what they did to help these attacks. I can’t just say no more visitors with kids allowed!
I find the panic attacks are only happening in smaller settings, like my mother’s home and my home. Yesterday my son had a birthday party at a local amusement center (kind of like Chuck E. Cheese) and I was fine there.
Today on my other website, Chronic Health Blog, I am featuring Panic Disorders as part of my Manic Monday series. You can read more about panic disorders and panic attacks at the link below:
Lalena says
I suffer from fibro along with a host of other things including a panic attacks. I’ve even gone to the hospital one was so bad. To help me sleep I take ambien. It calms my mind from racing. I also keep a perscription for anxiety. I don’t take it every day but just having it in my purse for emergencys makes me feel better. I haven’t taken on in quite awhile. Resently I’ve started going in the back yard a few times a day and breathing deeply with my eyes closed. I try to let go of my worries and frustrations. It has really helped. I try to avoid places I know cause me stress but when I have to go somewhere I limit my time and make sure I have my perscription just in case. Noise can be a hard issue to deal with. When my kids were smaller they knew if I was in the garage they couldn’t bother me unless there was blood involved. You might need to find a place just for you where you could catch a few minutes of calm. Turn the phone off and maybe treat yourself to a massage every so often. Fight for your quiet time, your worth it!
Robin says
I have fibromyalgia, bipolar II and panic attacks. I react very badly to being in any small space with lots of noise. My reactions are not just to children – though I do react badly to screaming children in stores – but all times I’m in an enclosed space with any noise. I have such a bad reaction to the sound of a phone ringing that I can’t work in a normal office situation.
It helps to know that someone else understands – most of my friends and family think I’m faking it to avoid having to work.
Hermit says
Believe me…. I know how you feel. If it ‘s just one loud noise, I can usually deal with it. But when there are many sounds I go nuts. We went to the county fair and as I walked along through the carnival rides, they were all blaring different music, kids were screaming, people were talking, carnies were calling out……. I had to make a mad dash over to where they were having a car race. The loud, but monotonous drone of the engines masked the mish mash of all the other sounds.
I get tunnel vision, sweaty, don’t know if I want to kill people or run and hide and cry. (I’ve always opted for the run and hide approach ! LOL).
Noise is the only trigger I have found. Although here lately I’m starting to suspect florescent lights as a contributor. I live in a secluded area, work by myself in a small business, and only shop when necessary and during slow parts of the day. So, I don’t have as many attacks as I used to.
Good luck!
Wolf says
I have started having panic attacks, but they are all in large rooms with lots of people. I get nervous, then I start having an internal meltdown. Afterwards I need time to curl up in a ball and quietly cry.