Finally I am off to see the dermatologist today, after two rescheduled appointments, to see if he believes the moles and marks my famly doctor called “suspicious” are anything to worry about. This long wait has not been easy, as I have read so many stories, and some tragic stories, about skin cancer.
I know the chances are rare of it being skin cancer, but I have never been good with the odds when it comes to health issues, so that is why I guess I am more nervous than what someone else might be.
I am going to have him remove a couple of moles besides the ones he needs to look at. I have one on my neck that is huge and now that my hair is longer, I keep catching it on my comb – ouch! I have a couple on my face that I would like to have removed also.
I’ll update once I return from my appointment. I go at 9:30 a.m. today.
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