Today is the first day in I can’t tell you how long that I did not already have a post prepared to go live this morning at 4:00 a.m.on this site. I typically write my posts for Fighting Fatigue the night before. So I typically write Fridays’ posts on Thursday evenings and set them to publish early in the morning. The only thing I did last night was sleep.
While the sleeping medication is helping, I am still having one or two nights a week where I’m not sleeping at all. Wednesday night was that night for me. Yesterday I had promised to take (along with my mom) my son and two of my brother’s kids to a place close to our home that’s similar to Chuck E. Cheese. The kids had a ball and were thrilled with all the fun but I was exhausted. My mom doesn’t drive so I had to drive a half an hour to pick them up, drive back to the town we live in, then drive them back to their houses, then come back home.
I was getting close to my house when the fatigue just hit me suddenly and I was having trouble keeping my eyes open. I had the radio blaring and the air conditioner turned as high as it would go. My son thought it was fun having the music so loud. He didn’t realize I was doing it to keep awake. When we arrived home, I headed straight for bed and that is where I have been since 9:30 a.m. today.
I also started having a severe headache Wednesday night (I think that’s what kept me awake) and it never went away until late last night. I need to talk to the doctor when I go back next month for my follow-up to see about getting something stronger for my pain.
I hope the weekend will be better!
Amy says
I have this sort of cycle all the time. I can’t sleep for 36 – 48 hours at a time, then crash for several days for 2 – 4 days where I’m up maybe an hour or 2 max. I hurt all over. My functioning is non-existent. It really sucks, doesn’t it?
Sandy Robinson says
Yes, it does really suck! I feel as though I am going nuts when these spells hit.
Diana says
All my life i had problems falling asleep. sometimes i fall asleep when i have to wake up. It’s very annoying. I always feel tired/.