I would like to get some input on what viewers of my blog would like to read about on here. Would you like more variety? More controversial topics? Some type of category for support, where you can come and if you are having a bad day due to your illness, or just in general?
I want this blog to be a means of support for those with chronic illness and to educate others, but I also know that people read and comment on this blog who are not sick, so I want to appeal to everyone. Please don’t be afraid to tell me what you think! Post away with your suggestions!
Pinkme says
this is fine as is…..
Just a note, your link “e-mail me” is kindda hard to find. I had trouble finding it. I didn’t know that “about” is your bio. Maybe you can put “About me”….so it’s more obvious??….hmm…maybe you can add something like messege board where people who has same symtoms can ask questions each other or support each other?
Michele says
I think using health related affiliates would be good as they relate to your topic. Otherwise it looks great! I love your template, it’s so pretty 🙂
Fighting Fatigue says
Thank you Michele! I will check out some affiliates! I appreciate you helping me out!
Connie says
I haven’t had time to read very much but wanted to post. My best friend was diagnosed with MS the summer of 2004 (she spent 3 weeks completely paralyzed- in the hospital). What little research I’ve done, some of these illnesses seem to be related – CFS, MS etc.
She’s in complete remission but terrified it will strike again. She’s a single mother of 4 kids!
I’ll keep watching your blog and pass it on to her also. Thanks!
Fighting Fatigue says
Hi Connie! Thank you for posting. There are many similarities between MS and CFIDS/FM. I have contacted the Montel Williams Show several times trying to get him to do a story on CFIDS and FM, since he has MS. I appreciate you stopping by!
Cassandra says
Connie, My Mom has MS- though with her it wasn’t diagnosed til we were already adults. I can’t imagine how terrifying it is for her being a single mom raising 4 children with MS. 🙁
Connie says
She admitted to me yesterday that she was suicidal that whole summer(normally, she’s the most upbeat, postitive person I know). She also said, when it comes back, she’s checking out. So, I’m really worried at this point.
Connie says
I’ll have to check into Montel Williams. I still think a lot of these illnesses are related somehow. It took weeks for the doctors to diagnose the MS.
Cassandra says
Connie, it took years for the docs to diagnose my Mother. Years. When a new type of test came out a few years ago they finally said it was MS but her Dr thinks she may have had it for up to 18 years before they figured it out- that’s when she started having problems with Trigeminal Neuralgia, which that itself is very debilitating. Now she is in a nursing home. 🙁 Keep in close contact with your friend, she needs you to keep her wits about her when she goes through it again.
Fighting Fatigue says
Connie – Maybe suggest to your best friend about becoming an advocate, starting a blog, message board, whatever it takes to give herself some therapy. Remind her of her children – that is what keeps me going. I have to be around to see my son grow up!