I got a call yesterday from my son’s school principal regarding a problem they are having with him at lunch. The principal proceeded to tell me that my son has thrown up probably 8 or more times already this year during lunch. My son has a weak stomach so if he sees someone’s food while they are eating, if they spit food out on their plate, or if he eats something he doesn’t like he will usually gag and throw up. But lately it has gotten worse. He is gagging and throwing up at the sight of spilled water or spilled juice. I have never heard of such a thing and it has me worried.
The other issue is that my son won’t go to the bathroom or the nearest trash can when he starts to gag. He continues to sit at the lunch table and will just throw up on the table, causing other children to feel sick and then to not be able to eat their lunches.
At home he has started to gag at the sight of water running down the mirror when he brushes his teeth. This has just become extreme and I don’t know what to do about it other than take him to the doctor. I don’t know if there is something wrong with him physically, but to me it sounds like a psychological issue.
I called the doctor’s office and I am waiting to hear back from them. Hopefully I will be able to get to the bottom of this problem. I have tried to find out from my son if there is something bothering him but he says there’s nothing wrong.
UPDATE: I took my son to the doctor this afternoon and she believes that his problem is visual stimulation that is causing the gagging. She told him he needs to think about something else when he sees something that makes him gag since he has a touch gag reflex.
Surviving the Circus says
Hmmm, I don’t know your son’s age, but that does not sound like good advice simply because it is very hard for a child, or adult for that matter, to think about something else amid the chaos of a cafeteria.
If this problem is persistent, and it sounds like it is, I would at least consider asking them to allow your son and maybe a friend, to be allowed to eat out of viewing distance from the other kids. Of course, your son would have to want to do this too.
It could just be a matter of making sure he gets a specific seat that isn’t facing any other tables. That would have him viewing only a few people sitting right across and right beside him.
If that’s not possible to do, then maybe they could let them eat elsewhere.
It’s a simple solution if they will agree to it. You may need to speak with the guidance counsellor or ask that doctor with the great advice if she could write a letter explaining the problem.
Good luck and God bless.