(Picture courtesy of FreeFoto.com)
I would like to start a new feature here on Fighting Fatigue for profiling your personal CFS and other chronic illness stories. We are real people suffering with CFS, Fibromyalgia and IC Disease and I want people finding this site to realize just how devestating these illnesses can be to our lives.
If you would like to share your story but want to remain anonymous, just use a nickname when you send me your email and no one will know who you are – not even me.
You can email your personal chronic illness story to me at fighting_fatigue@hotmail.com.
I hope many of you plan to share!
Joy says
I deal with Lyme disease (and a co-infection of Epstein Barr virus). I recently posted about my experience at: http://lymeadehealth.blogspot.com/2007/10/not-so-merry-go-round-of-lyme-disease.html
sandy says
Thanks, Joy. Can I include that on my page on here for stories?
nicola browning says
I am so glad to have found your site I have cfs and reading a site like yours helps to make me feel less alone