September is Pain Awareness Month and what better time than to share with others what you know about chronic pain disorders like Fibromyalgia, IC Disease and other illnesses that cause chronic pain?
The National Fibromyalgia Association has a great handout that you can download and print out to give to others that talks about the facts, symptoms, and other pertinent Fibromyalgia information. You can download that brochure by clicking HERE.
You can also invite your friends, family and healthcare providers to take the Pledge to Care. The NFA’s Fibromyalgia Pledge to Care, launched on January 24, 2008 at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., is designed to encourage others to join the NFA in its national advocacy efforts.
Family & Friends Pledge to Care
We pledge to:
- ALWAYS STAND BESIDE LOVED ONES with fibromyalgia, and support the patients’ quest for a better quality of life.
- ACT AS AN ADVOCATE to insure that loved ones receive the best possible medical care.
- BE RESPECTFUL OF LOVED ONES PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS, and help or get help when it is needed.
- EDUCATE OTHERS about fibromyalgia and encourage them to provide people with fibromyalgia with support and understanding.
- ADVOCATE for improved treatments, expanded research and an increased awareness and acceptance of fibromyalgia.
- UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE the people in my life who have fibromyalgia.
Healthcare Providers Pledge to Care
I pledge to:
- PROVIDE THE BEST MEDICAL CARE POSSIBLE to persons with fibromyalgia, and partner with them to insure a team approach in the management of their illness.
- STAY UP-TO-DATE and remain open-minded regarding scientific discoveries concerning fibromyalgia in order to offer the most effective treatment modalities.
- SEEK EFFECTIVE TREATMENT OPTIONS that meet each individual patients specific needs and make referrals to other specialists when the patient will benefit from additional expertise.
- FIGHT ON BEHALF OF PATIENTS whose prescribed treatment or diagnostic testing is denied.
- BE MINDFUL OF PATIENTS RIGHTS to be treated with dignity and respect.
You can also send an e-card to remind others and to raise awareness for National Pain Awareness Month. Just click this link HERE to send an e-card to everyone you know!
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