Is it just me, or is anyone else having problems sleeping? I seem to go through phases. For a while I will sleep well, then I will go through a longer phase where I don’t. I’m going through that right now. Since Friday night, I have slept very little and it is really wearing me down quick. Luckily, my son is in daycare today so I can rest some but once I have a bad night it takes me days to catch up – just from one bad night. Now I have 4 bad nights to catch up from.
I take Trazadone to sleep at night. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. It depends on what my body wants to do I guess. I’m hoping tonight will be a better night! Wish me lots of Z’s!!
Jennie says
I have the exact same problem. I’ll go through insomnia phases and then excessive sleeping phases. Here’s how I cope with insomnia:
1. Take an otc sleep aid a couple hours before trying to sleep. 2. If I can’t fall asleep, get out of bed and do anything – check email or flip through a magazine. It has to be something to engage the brain, since that wears me out faster than TV. 3. Deep breathing exercises, visualizing the breath moving in and out of my whole body.
Over time, these tips have helped me overcome insomnia better.
Sandy says
Jennie, Thanks for the tips! If I haven’t fallen asleep within an hour of going to bed, then I get back up. I will read, crochet, pay bills, those types of things to try and help.
I think because of how our brains refuse to shut down is the main problem here. My mind just does not quit a lot of times.
Es Wilson says
Hi guys,
I have no problem going to sleep i just can’t seem to stay asleep and like the you are saying it really makes the fibro and cronic fatique worst. any other suggestions?
Sandy says
Es – I’m sorry I am not much help to you here – I have problems staying asleep as well. Have you tried any sleep medications? How about Melatonin at bedtime? It is a more natural approach.