This recent staph infection outbreak has me worried. I am always a little paranoid when things like this happen because I worry about the health of my son. I also worry about those of us with CFS and Fibromyalgia who have weak immune systems.
My son’s school sent home a letter warning of the recent outbreak and what to do to prevent spreading the staph infection to others. Watch the video above to see what you can do to keep you and your family safe from MRSA.
Connie says
It makes me concerned too. With being on immune suppressant drugs I don’t even want to think about it. I clean my hands constantly especially when I’m at dd’s school.
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Mad goat lady says
I contracted STAPH and SEPTICEMIA 16 years ago after a c-section. As I am immuno suppressed I have never ever been completely free of it since.
It is the absolute bane of my life and when it rears its ugly head and is in full flight (imagine huge abscesses all over my body) life hardly feels worth living.
Luckily it hasn’t been at its worst for many months.
sandy says
My son came home today and he could hardly talk! I guess something is going around the school. I called his teacher to talk about something school related and she said Logan could barely talk he was so horse. She said every day there has been at least 3 kids off sick for the past week. She is working hard at getting them to wash their hands regularly throughout the day but we know how that goes with five and six year olds!
Connie – It is scary for us more so than others, don’t you agree? We have to worry about catching so many things. Even a cold is a big deal for us.
Mad Goat – Goodness, I don’t even want to imagine what it must be like to have that severe of an infection. And to have lingering results for forever. Huge abscesses? Ouch!