While I was on Facebook last night, I happened to check out the latest on the CFIDS Association of America Facebook Group and apparently they have been receiving questions about the swine flu. I figured that many pateints would be worried about this illness, and you can read my post from the other day – Should ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Patients Worry About Swine Flu?
Here is what the CFIDS Association of America has to say about swine flu (from their Facebook page):
Responding to questions about increased swine flu susceptibility: There is simply not enough known yet about the H1N1 virus to know if CFS presents any special risks. You cannot get it without being exposed to a person with it, so the usual precautions for seasonal flu are those being recommended now. Here is some additional information on what CDC is advising doctors to look for when evaluating suspect cases.
Pregnant women.
Anyone 50 years and older.
Children under 5 years old.
Children and adolescents (6 months – 18 years) receiving aspirin therapy and at risk for Reye syndrome after an influenza virus infection.
Children and adults with chronic pulmonary, cardiovascular, hepatic, hematological, neurologic, neuromuscular, or metabolic disorders.
Adults and children who have immunosuppression. This includes those who have immunosuppression caused by HIV or medications.
Nursing home/chronic-care facility residents.
depressionboy says
| H1N1 or Swine Flu is a bit scary but it a good thing to note that this virus is not that very deadly
Cathy Shey says
We should be thankful that the swine flu did not spread very rapidly. it is not very deadly like Ebola but swine flu can still kill you.