New research shows that older women who are not getting enough of Vitamin D through their supplements and other means are at risk for suffering from back pain. In the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society they noted that for older people, Vitamin D deficiency has been tied to a number of health problems, including an increased risk of bone fracture. Lack of Vitamin D could also contribute to musculoskeletal pain.
Dr. Gregory E. Hicks of the University of Delaware in Newark and his colleagues wrote in the Journal:
“Given that low vitamin D status is fairly prevalent in older adults and that there are significant functional consequences to untreated chronic pain, these findings argue strongly for querying adults about their pain and potentially screening older women with significant back pain for vitamin D deficiency.”
Almost 960 women and men over the age of 65 had their blood levels for Vitamin D deficiency checked. Fifty-eight percent of the women in the study, and 27 percent of the men, had at least some moderate pain in at least one region of the body.
The study didn’t show any relationship between Vitamin D levels and pain in men. But women who had Vitamin D deficiency were almost twice as likely to have back pain that was moderate or worse. But vitamin D deficiency was not linked to pain in other parts of the body. Lack of Vitamin D has been known to cause bone softening and that problem is more common in women than men.
Researchers are not in a hurry to say that giving people Vitamin D supplementation will definitely help women with back pain. They said that randomized controlled trials should be done before they are willing to determine the helpful effects of Vitamin D supplementation for this purpose.
monica says
I started taking a vit. D supplement a little over a month ago when my Dr. told me I had a deficiency. I still am dedficent but my bloodtest has shown a increase already.
I did notice that my back discomfort, better described as spasms, had improved 50% in about 2 weeks after I had taken the supplements. I did not even think to associate it with the Vet D. deficiency until I did some reading about it. This is not the only site that I read about back pain asssciated with vit. D dificiency.
kathy says
My hips and legs have been aching alot. I am 52, thru menopause and was told today I have Vitamin D deficiency. Do you think the hip and leg aches could be related to Vit D deficiency?
Linda says
I have recently had back spasms (missed 5 days work). I am 50 and my doctor called today and said I am vitamin D deficient. He perscribed one tablet of vitamin D weekly for 12 weeks then one monthly. I also have had a huge weight gain (20 lbs in one year) and chronic fatigue. Hopefully the vitamin D will help with all my health problems.
Judy Blessley says
If I am taking 50,000 units a month of Vitamin D, and also taking fish oil, cinnamon and milk thisel, will the other supplements keep the Vitamin D from doing what it is supposed to do?
Loretta says
I have been treated for many complaints for years, the latest was fibromyalga. After reaction to medicine I ask if we were on right track and told yes. I began getting pin point size red marks under the skin of my arms and blood tests were ordered. The only thing that showed was Vitamin D deficiency and began 50,000 units once a week. Now I am told that my heart in not relaxing (mild case). For several years have been tested for heart problems. I am frustrated as I have done everything possible to find out my problem only to be told many reasons and now to find out it could have been a D deficiency all along. At lease I don’t feel I am a hyprochondriac.
Brenda L. says
Have had severe pain on R side including hip, knee, shoulder since I was 34. No Dr. could figure it out, one Dr. said maybe Osteo arthritis, maybe not, but it responds to prednisone, which they said it should not. Have no swelling ever, and have been on prednisone now for two years. Now have severe lower back pain too and R elbow pain going all the way to my hand with numbing pain. Wake many times at night with leg and arm pains and tingling. Don’t sleep well at all. My Dr. just keeps saying I am a mystery to her. She keeps giving me pain pills, but they don’t work. Have tried every kind of anit-inflamatory, but they don’t work. When I try to go off the Prednisone, the pain is unbearable. I am sooo tired all the time, can’t ever get enough sleep, am fatigued and irritable. I am 49 years old and Dr. just found out I am Vitamin D deficient, so another Dr. prescribed a high dose of Vitamim D one time a week for 12 weeks. Is there any hope?
VitaminDiva says
We all sound alike ! Years of joint and muscle pain, insomnia, mood problems, psoriasis, back problems, weight gain, tendonitis…- could go on and on. I just got dx with vit D deficiency and like all of you am hopeful that finally we have an answer to the mystery !
S LeDoux says
My doctor has me taking 500,000 units or mgs. of Vit. D once a week. Is there anything I should be concerned about by taking this high of a dose?
Lolly says
I am like a lot of you! I am a 52 year old female and have had chronic back and neck pain for years. I recently had open heart surgery to repair my mitral valve and the Maze Procedure to cure my Atrial Fib.
Now, after my surgery, I have developed these mysterious muscle pains all over my body!
Worst are my quads. They spasm and scream when I stand up from a sitting position, go up and down stairs etc. They wake me in the night throbbing and jabbing.
Doc ran all these tests for muscle enzymes etc and everything was fine. Finally did a Vitamin D – 25 hydroxy test, and I am at a 30!
So she just prescribed 50,000 IU once a week for 3 months.
Reading everyone elses symptons and their low results, I am feeling hopeful that we all may have found the key to some relief!
I take my first pill tomorrow! Am praying that it helps! I can’t take this much pain for much longer.. ouchie
Sheri Duvall says
WOW! I am like you all too! After years and years of suffering, it was finally diagnosed as Lyme disease but then the new doc was not so sure. I “had” everything from lupus to multiple slerosis to rheumetoid arthritis. Then Lyme. Well, one doc thought my vitamin D levels might be low so he tested….BINGO! It was a big help…..for the month he gave me high doses. I take a multi-vitamin daily but it doesn’t help my now-returned symptoms. I THINK (after reading about IBS), that when you have that disease (I poop 6 or 7 times a day), i’ve learned THAT depletes VIT D also so I think that’s where my prob is. I eat healthy but HEALTHY FOOD MAKES ME GO TOO MANY TIMES A DAY!!! What do I do??? It’s ruined my life! Sher
Sheri Duvall says
If you were at 30….that sounds great! I was at 13!
maggie says
i only had a 7 taking a supplement of 50,000 1 a week for 16 weeeks don’t know if it a part of the symptons I have still need more test. having shortness of breath, hands itch bad for hours sometimes a rapid heartbeat fatigue can,t sleep anxity
Rachel says
I had severe leg bone pain for the past 2 years and was finally diagnosed with a level of 4. I’ve been on 50,000 D supplementation since November of 09 and after about a month began to feel relief.
Ms. Kai says
Well, I’m glad I decided to look at this site. I too have been feeling awful, lots of low back pain, muscle spasms in right middle back, very, very bad knee pain, shoulders, my goodness just so much pain. I am always tired, irritable, depressed, just not feeling good. I go to the Docs office twice a year, he would always say it’s arthritis. But I felt the pain spreading, my inner thoughts were, oh i hope I don’t have cancer, or fibromyalga. So while waiting in the docs office, they were running a program, about what to ask the doctor when we go in to see him. And one of the things it said to ask was, to check the vitamin D level. So i asked and went to the lab on Tuesday and Today is Thursday, I got a call from the Docs office. They called a prescription for Vitamin D in to the pharmacist. I’m to take 1 pill for 12 weeks and then go back to the lab so my vitamin D level can get checked again. Wow!! So I’ll check back after finishing taking this vitamin D and let you all know how I’m feeling.
Have a great day!!
Ms. Kai says
Oh I forgot, I’m 49 years old
Debbi says
I have been diagnosed with low vit D at one point my level was 12. The Dr put on 50,000 iu once a week and it finally came up to 30. The Dr took me off the vit D and said I will see you in a year. Well the chronic pain and extreme fatique and depression got worse again in about 3 to 4 months. I went to an endochrinologist and he did some tests only to find out my vit D is back down to 19. Not as bad as before but going down. I am back on the 50,000 iu weekly and afte 3 weeks am feeling somewhat human again and can get through the day easier. The pain is easing and the fatique is better. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatique, restless legs depression. So I hope this vit D supplement continues to make my life better.
shelly says
I did not know that vitamin D was so important until I was diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency the other day. I have had chronic back pain for years and years. I’ve had illness after illness and my kids and husband say “there’s always something wrong with you. “. After reading a ton of articles on the internet I’m convinced that I’ve been vitamin D deficient for a very long time. I’m hopeful that after being on 100,000 unit a week for ten weeks and then 4000 units a day thereafter that I will be feeling much better. I’m 44 years old and my mother just died over christmas. She had severe osteoporosis and a severe curviture of her spine. The curviture finally made it where she could breathe or eat and eventually she died. After reading all the information on the internet I’m convinced that she too most likely was severely vitamin D deficient. Too bad this is something that most doctors do not routinely screen for. Maybe more lives could be saved. Good luck to all of you.
Bea says
I like all of you have suffered lower back pain for years that radiated to my left lower abdomen..they actually took out my ovary and fallopian tube thinking that was the problem.
But the problem continues and actually got worse i had MRIs CTs xrays you name it they got me in a pain management program and i felt like they might think it was all in my head but I knew what I felt and I knew there was a reason so I continued to beg for help Finally a Vitamin D test was done that showed that I too was low and after reading they symptoms of Vitamin D defiency it all MADE SENSE you all know what I mean. I have started yesterday on the priscription strength once a week also plus a daily suppliment…I pray that the pain will start to go away and I pray that all of you feel better too.
I am 54 and my level was 16
Dave says
Actually sunlight is the best and only natural source of vitamin D. Unlike dietary or supplementary vitamin D, when you get your ‘D’ from sunshine your body takes what it needs, and de-metabolizes any extra.
But sunlight is free and has no lobby or PR people pushing it, so the benefits of a limited amount of sun exposure often goes un-noticed!
Vitamin D experts and many health groups now advocate 1,000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily – five to ten times the old recommendations. But why not via sunlight- it’s the natural method?
Chiropractor Plano
CAROL Colosi says
I’m sorry but ur wrong.sunlight is only 25% of how u get vit D.. you need to give the correct info to ppl esp if ur a qualified dr or chiropractor.
Cindy says
Yes, Dave, I agree that the sun is the natural way to get vita D. As a matter of fact, just a few weeks ago I was preaching what you are…that if you get out in the sunshine you shouldn’t have to take Vita D supplements. I walk outside about 1 to 1 1/2 hours 3 times a week and depending on the weather try to take additional hikes or bike rides. In the warmer weather I spend even more time outside doing gardening and yard work. So I could hardly believe it when my doctor told me this Monday that I had Vita D deficiency (20). I, too, muscles, joints, and bones, chronic fatigue, and interrupted sleep for years. I am very hopeful the additional Vita D can help me.
Cindy says
Sorry meant to say …I, too, had aching muscles, joints, and bones…
Lorraine Wilkins says
Stuff like this has really helped me back. I am always looking for tips to keep the pain away.
roynj says
COMMON THEME here in above comments—
is that
the need to keep the VIT D supplements going
and going….
I read
you need more if you are heavier,
you need more if you are older,
you need more if your skin is darker,
GOOD LUCK—but going at like 4000 to 5000 IU per day,
and drops are better absorbed and cheaper.
rhonda thompson says
I was tested for vit d deficiency levels should be approx.30-100 i was 8, the nurse practioner said to take 2000 units daily. but, after reading the comments i do not think it’s enough. i will ask a doc.
nayda dagatan says
i have noticed an increase in my body weight since i have my menopause ..another thing i have been complaining a lot of pain on my joints like hipjoints,knee and ankle joints…i have difficulty of sleeping and evrytime i go to my doctor, i would be embarassed bec he would tell me that i should notcomplain all my pains together in one time…he asked me to loose my weight but it was hard for me esp i have pain ony my joints,cant do the thread mill doctor says just do the bicycle,but it was not enought for me to loose weight and my doctor says,he will move me to other doctor…i was very thankful then when i was passed to other doctor new dr. was very smart and was able to diagnosed what my problem really was…i realized i was already very low with my vit d 18 ng…so i am now on 50,000 uits vit d evry muscles and bones on my legs are so painful…should something happened on my bones..i am really going to sue that doctor…i am also blaiming my obgyn doctor..because they should know and must give preventive advice on vit d deffciency particularly on older women on post menopausal period…
LM Fenner says
First off the person who wants to sue the doctor for poor treatment, remember they are only human. I have found articles and copied them and passed them on to my provider. Most times providers are so busy caring for their patients they don’t see every new thing that comes along until it is presented to them. I had been complaining of pain on my URQ wrapping from front to back, back pain and achy bone pain everywhere. I have had an increase in leg cramps and tingling toes and fingers. I have had these symptoms for years and was treated for severe arthritis, IBS, depression, chronic fatigue by several PCP’s over the last 30 years, I am only 54. I had been to my current PCP four times in one month and he decided it was a strained muscle and wanted me to do PT. I went to several sessions and this only helped for a moment.
I too thought that I was a hypochondriac but after a going for my checkup for my lap band with my bariatric provider and not losing any weight, in fact I gained weight (no, I wasn’t cheating!).That doctor decided to test me for Vitamin D, along with a few other tests. My results showed my Vitamin D at 15 and she put on a regiment of one month 2 capsules of 50,000 IU a week ( take one Sunday and one Thursday), then 1 capsule a week for a month and then 1 capsule a month after that, also more blood work to monitor how I am reacting to this new regiment.
My mother who is 76 was just about to get spine injections for chronic back pain she has had for years along with so many other symptoms I had. She has put off this procedure and asked to be tested for Vitamin D.
I have found everyone’s comments above very enlightening and a ray of hope we are not NUTS and thank GOD there are good smart doctors willing to go a different direction for better health. I will let you know how my regiment worked in a later update. Thank you to all for your comments, I am now in good company!
Krystyna says
I agree with many of you, what a relief to hear that I may be on my way to less chronic pain; neck, shoulder, elbow, knee. Nightly interrupted sleep, have not woken up refreshed since I can remember, suffering from painful depression, etc. Yup blood test…and now/today started 50,000/1xwk of the supplement.
However, my question is: can anyone testify to starting the vitamin D treatment/therapy and how it has improved symptoms, lessened pain, better sleep, less depression struggle, etc.
Bonnie says
I have suffered since I was 16 with chronic pain & have been told it was in my head, post tramatic stress disorder, depression, rhematoid, lupus fibro, back problems, leg & hip problems, feet burning & toes, hands fingers, elbows, myalgia,Thyroid problems,chronic fatique,High BP,low bp, colon problems amoung other things but no treatment has ever relieved the pain it may help make it tolerable but no one should have to live there life like I have. Recently I was sent to 4 specialist 1 which done more lab work resulting in a Vit D Def I just pray now that with this diagnosis that my metabolic rate will go up & some of the weight will come off I would like to have some of my life that was enjoyable. No rweally says if there weight & metabolic rate increased guess Im just looking for that silver lining.
Cindy says
Kymmie, some people just do not absorb Vitamin D as well as others. Also if you use sunblock you will not be absorbing the Vitamin D from the sun.
I have had many years of chronic pain, fatigue, depression, weight gain, etc. I couldn’t understand what was going on . I went to my doctor many times and was told I had osteoarthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome,atrial fib.etc. I hate to admit this but I also had a lot of trouble with my teeth and actually have lost a couple. I didn’t think to mention this to my doctor because I was embarrassed. I’ve since read this is also a symptom of Vitamin D deficiency. I’m a 50 year old female, btw.
I went back to the doctor for my routine physical and told him I was having so much pain I was practically immobile. He asked me if he had ever done a Vitamin D test and of course he hadn’t so he did one. My test showed my level was 10. I have been taking the Vitamin D as he ordered in addition to a good multivitamin for the past two weeks. I’m also taking B 12 supplements. Today I suddenly began to feel like my old self. The aches and pains are down and I did more in my house today then I have done in months. The biggest plus was I didn’t get tired and actually caught myself laughing at a TV program. I haven’t smiled in months because of the depression. I am very fair skinned so I don’t sit out in the sun because I burn very easily. Now that warmer weather is coming I’m going to make it a point to sit outside for at least 15 minutes everyday. My mother is severely Vitamin D deficient also so I should have known. She has had multiple strokes, heart surgeries, and a brain tumor. I can’t help but wonder if some of this could have been avoided if her deficiency had been caught earlier.
Tessa says
HI All: I read the article and subsequent posts with such amazement. I am a 52 year old female and have struggled with back pain for the last 10 years! I have always described the pain as coming on as back spasms that sometimes move into a full on episode with groin and back pain that renders my right leg useless. At times it is so severe I cannot even walk. I have seen numerous specialists and was told I have arthritis. The last specialist took MRI’s and said I had a hip impingement that needed surgery. In addition, I have been getting more and more depressed despite being on an anti-depressant that in the past worked fine. I attributed it to being in pain all the time. I recently had a physical and my doctor called to say that everything was great except my vitamin d level was below 16….very low! She prescribed a Vitamin D (Prescription) supplement. Now as I read these posts, I am wondering if this could all be related? It gives me hope that my symptoms may go away!!! I am going to print this article out and send it to my doctor! It is like reading an autobiography! Thanks!
Sabrina says
I have not been feeling well for some time. Extremely fatigued, back pain and not feeling rested when I wake up. However, I am 46 and having menapause symptons and I am a chronic migraine sufferer. I am on Topamaxx daily for the control of the migraines and 10 mg Lexapro for anxiety. I thought maybe that the meds or something even more serious could be causing my issues. After going to see my Dr and describing my symptons she ordered the Vit D test, I was at a 12. I have been prescribed the 50,000 IU each week and we will see if this helps.. I hope so..
Lin says
I have read all your comments and amazed I wasnt asked by my doctor before to have my bloods done for “D” amongst other things, until recently. I work in the medical field and have also done natural health. I do believe that most GP’s are not interested in asking their patients to take vitamins as they support the drug companies that plug their product to be prescribed to patients. To be fair (not all doctors). Preventative medicine is left to the Naturopaths etc.
Anyway, I have Atrial ventricular fibrillation and am on medication. Could these drugs be depleting my levels?I also have IBS and wheat and dairy sensitivity. My result was at the lower end of normal.e.g. borderline. I do exercise regularly and take long walks in the sun. I am 64 and quite fit, I still run. Any answers would be welcome.
Kelly says
6/16/2011-Hello,my name is Kelly and today was diagnosed with having a Vitamin D deficiency. For the last 13 years I have suffered with chronic back pain and right hip pain. I have had many surgeries and procedures to try to help my condition but it only made things worse. When my doctor was operating on a herniated disc he hot my spinal cord and I was paralyzed for a couple of months. Luckily my nerves regenerated through excruciating physical theraphy and I got the use of my legs and bowel and bladder back. I still suffer from nerve damage,chronic low back pain, tingling and numness down my legs and feet. I also have epilepsy and a pituitary brain tumor. So I have alot going on. But after reading some of your post I’m very similar. I had to have a hysterectomy when I was 27. I’m now 36 and I’m tired all the time and in pain. My doctor just got my blood work back and my vit D is low. He advised me to take 1,000 units a day. I hope this works and I hope for everybody else you find a relief from your pain too. Peace
maria says
I am 62 and a month ago I was tested for vitamin d and they told me I was very low 8.9 and should be 30 to 100. They told me to take vitamin d 3 5000mg once a day my chiropractor got it for me with my other supplements and been taking it for 28 days now and it has helped my moods, and many joint pains and curve my appetite. I missed one day and felt very tired and eating. I am grateful for my chiropractor to recommend my primary dr. And found out.
Christine says
Hello everyone! My name is Christine. I would like too start bye saying we all have something in common. We all have suffered from some kind of pain for a long time. Now let me start bye saying I’m 45 years old and have been going too the doctor for many years because of not feeling while to only be told that I had depression and I know that it had to be something much more then that. So when my doctor didn’t seem like he was interested in my pain or too understand that it could be something more I then decided too find someone that would listen ( my advise too you all is if you have the same thing going on find a different doctor) I did and it saved my life. So anyway I have found not one doctor but 3 different doctors that has help me 2 surgeries and a Deficiency later and I now have a ray of hope that I too will be better one day. Now don’t miss understand me when I say this cause my road to recovery is not over I’ve started my meds for the D Deficiency 3weeks now that I’ve been on but I’ve got hope and answers now so what i would like too say too anyone that is reading this is don’t give up hope if you are having this kind of pain( Please ) get checked for this Deficiency cause many people don’t know how common it really is. Also my advise too anyone reading this is not too give up hope on getting answers find a different doctor if need be but (Never)give up cause it could cost you your life. I have 5 more weeks with meds I’ll keep you all posted as too the out come. I wish each and everyone of you all the best in finding your answers my God bless you all ! Until my friends !
Donna says
I am like many of you I wake every morning with back pain. Thinking it’s my kidneys I’ve have pain throughout my back in my stomach I had my gallbladder removed I still have the pain. I also have IBS I go from 5 to 13 times a day. Youd think I’d lose weight. Instead I’ve gained about 25 pounds in 7 months. I’m not a big eater either but I have something no one has mentioned first let me say I am 55 years old. I am done with menopause, I stopped having my periods at 30 years old. Ok I have had UTI urinary tract infection on and off for almost a year. For the last few months non stop just stopped taking antibiotics for 22days. 2 different types a day at one time had me taking 3 guess I still have it! I am also extremely tired all the time. I sleep maybe 4 if really lucky 5 hours a night my blood pressure gone from 117/64 to 162/84 in the last year. I hate going to Drs but more then that I hate feeling like I do. I know getting older we tire more bodies change but this isn’t normal. I go to the Dr tomorrow I am definitely going to ask to have my vitiam D level checked. If any one has had problems with UTI please let me know oh also thin skin Bruce eas thanks Praying Godhelps us all. Tired of being sick and tired !
Janis says
A couple of years ago I was told I have low level vitamin D and advised to get vitamins from chemist. I don’t know what my vitamin D level is now but have recently had pathological sternal fracture and MRI scans reveal sclerotic bone lesions and avascular necrosis. Have had years of back pain and a disc out. Currently extreme fatigue and still painful back, hips etc. The top of my spine looks a bit crooked. My mother has osteoporosis (along with other issues including kyphosis, mitral stenosis and heart disease). Her back is curved. Could all of this relate to vitamin D deficiency? I am seeing doctor tomorrow and will be asking for test and prescription strength vitamin replacement before I end up like my mum!