- I am starting to run out of information to post on strictly IC Disease and related conditions so I thought I would start a new series where I post information on other chronic illnesses that are affecting Americans. There are so many illnesses out there and many that most of us have never heard of.
New IC Disease Series: Spotlight On Chronic Illness
- People who have Celiac Disease are often misdiagnosed with having other chronic conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, inflammatory bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, intestinal infections and iron deficiency anemia.
Spotlight on Chronic Illness: Part 1: Celiac Disease – Overview
- Today’s post surrounding Celiac Disease is the symptoms of this little understood chronic illness. Symptoms that may possibly affect those suffering from Celiac Disease include:
Spotlight On Chronic Illness: Part 2: Celiac Disease – Symptoms
- As I mentioned in Part 1, Celiac Disease can be difficult to diagnose and is often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are similar to several other chronic conditions. Recently diagnosis rates have begun to increase because doctors are starting to learn more about this misunderstood illness and there are blood tests that can diagnose the illness.
Spotlight On Chronic Illness: Part 3: Celiac Disease – Diagnosis
- Treating Celiac Disease doesn’t require medication or surgery. A patient who has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease is treated by giving up all food items that contain gluten. It may sound simple but it’s really not.
Spotlight On Chronic Illness: Part 4: Celiac Disease – Treatment
- My husband and I took our son today to the Build-A-Bear Workshop that is about 1 1/2 hours from our home. He has been wanting to go there for a long time and we finally got around to doing it. It was so much fun! I have talked to several people who have went there before and I have always wanted to check and see what it’s all about.
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