When I was diagnosed with CFIDS 16 years ago, I was very sick. But when I look back further, into childhood, I can remember not feeling well a lot of the time. I can remember needing more sleep than my brother and sister and my mother telling me that I tired easily. She said my sister and brother could out play me all of the time.
I also had pneumonia at the age of 7 and was hospitalized for a week. After that, I was at the doctors constantly being treated for upper respiratory problems. As the seasons would change, I would also get sick. So this shows that even as a child my body could not handle the stress of seasons changing. Very interesting.
I also remember as a child being at my grandmother’s house every weekend and always having terrible leg pain. My parents and doctor attributed it to growing pains, but I believe that was the Fibromyalgia then. I missed school a lot and was picked on by teachers, especially gym teachers, who thought I was weak, “faking”, and a hypochondriac. I remember having one teacher in particular, though who always believed me and stood up for me in grade school.
I really believe that those of us who have these illnesses are actually born with them. Something like a virus, extreme stress of any kind, physical or emotional, or over working brings on the complete illness.
So think back to when you were a child…can you remember any symptoms that relate to your condition today?
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